William Pratt


Having had enough of working with corporate graphics, I thought it would be great to do my very own work for a change. I started with paper and pencil, tried charcoal, and finally discovered the versatility of oils.


Self-taught, but definitely influenced by many artists, both ancient and modern. Exploring at this point. Out to attempt anything that strikes me as interesting. And trying to capture the beautiful in what might seem at first to be ordinary. Especially appreciate the impressionist approach to light and rendering a specific time of day.


• High school teacher of Spanish, 4 years. • Visiting teacher for the Ministry of Education of Japan, one year. • Visiting lecturer at a State University in Japan, 2 years. • Created hand-dyed, molded, cotton fiber sculpture for visual merchandizing departments of major retail stores throughout the U.S., 8 years. • Studied Spanish, Latin, Russian and Japanese.