Just A Pill?

J. Amaro and A. Andrews

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Just A Pill?

J. Amaro and A. Andrews

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Just a Pill?

by J. Amaro & A. Andrews for Visual AIDS, 2020.

J. Amaro (they/them) manages a small team of community health professionals serving and advocating for people who choose to inject and people at risk for HIV. @s.oft_j

A. Andrews (they/them) is a disabled thirty-something queer creative making comics in Minneapolis, MN. heyandrews.com@_anghost

Just a Pill?

is one of a series of new comics addressing contemporary aspects of the ongoing HIV pandemic, commissioned by Visual AIDS and curated by Paul Sammut.

Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over. visualaids.org

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