Born in Carora, Venezuela in 1977, in a very musical city were he sang in many choruses from a very young age. He graduated from Oil Engineering in Zulia´s University, and worked in Venezuelan Petroleum industries in Maracaibo city, until he decided going back to his home town to start a business as a carpenter, helping his family and resuming his musical training and career in the local chourses of "El Sistema", Venezuela´s famous Musical and social project and the Alirio Diaz fundation.
in 2013 he met the Artist Carlos Luis Sánchez and start a love and work relation, for wich he started to take photos of his paintings, making the costumes and masks for his performances, digitally editing the images and texts of his comics, framing paintings and helping him cataloguing his srawings.
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in 2013 he met the Artist Carlos Luis Sánchez and start a love and work relation, for wich he started to take photos of his paintings, making the costumes and masks for his performances, digitally editing the images and texts of his comics, framing paintings and helping him cataloguing his srawings.
I like to take photos that leaves a file of my friends and I Life, documenting our local, fashion, musical and artistic scene.