According to a lot of people, Aristos owns impossible multi-skills. Impossible, because they don't believe it's possible. Extensive proof has to be handed and only afterwards they are convinced that it's true anyway. Here a very comprehensive abstract of his life.
As soon as he was old enough, he went to a Higher Technical School at the age of sixteen. The content of the study was excellent, but the climate displeased him. It was a building full of technocrats, of which the inhabitants did not want to know anything at all of all the other disciplines and possibilities in the world. Most certainly not of the fine arts, which already than was at the centre of his interests. Nourished with two years of education in electronics, he quit and started working as a student nurse in a psychiatric hospital. Although this was really a beautiful combination of work and education, which fitted him well, he couldn't envisage to stay in this profession till his sixty fifth year of life. So, after some additional basic education he entered university to study psychology. No problems here, but not enough. He tried to profit as much as possible from the study General Linguistics and Slavonic Languages at the same time. This still was not enough, so he added a part-time formation as choir director.
Then, after having finished his university with his doctoral degree certificate, he plunged in the proverbial hole. Although sponged with knowledge and skills, nobody chose to elect him for a job amongst the 400 other fresh baked psychologists. A post-doctoral education as hypnotherapist and later sexologist didn't change much to this predicament.
So, he sat for an entrance examination for the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague. Of course this had to be the most intensive evening and weekend education, since during the day he had to try to earn some money wherever possible. On the basis of the designs and realisations (e.g. table, chair, harpsichord, clavichord and other musical instruments) the admittance committee judged, that he could start in the second year immediately. His study of 'Interior architecture and furniture design' could start now!
In a nutshell: he occupied himself all his life with designing and creating - also in other areas, like the written word, the classical music and the interpersonal relationships of course.
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Word goes that Leonard Bernstein once said he detested composition lessons, so he always skipped them. More or less literal he remarked afterwards: "I never studied the compositions by Beethoven e.g., I only listened to them. If I had studied them, I would have started to compose like Beethoven. Obviously I didn't want that."
In the same way I was deeply impressed by the ideas and principles of De Stijl (Dutch for: The Style with important members as the interior architect Rietveld and the painter Mondriaan). Of course I wasn't the only one, better said: I was one of many. I discovered some ideas and principles I adhered to completely, whilst I found others ugly as sin or garbage, like it goes in arts and crafts. Especially the global image of the most colourful creations from this era always stayed with me.
I would like to share my joy about my designs with you. Phrased less poetically: you can buy them.
By now you will have understood that my designs are not copies. Here you will find only my designs.
For the lovers of Renaissance and/or Baroque music: I'm a musical instrument maker as well. In fact that profession is at the basis of my skills. So you will find a harpsichord, which I designed and build recently, with the looks from the De Stijl tradition.