Chris-Robin Dohse
Chris-Robin Dohse has created and performed dance/theatre hybrid art for 40 years. From 1987 to 1996, his Baltimore-based company Toothmother performed extensively on the Mid-Atlantic basement and garage circuit!
He has published dance criticism and journalism in many print and online publications, including Dance Magazine, Movement Research Performance Journal, New York Press, Dance Insider Online, The New York Times, and The Village Voice.
He holds a BS in Interdisciplinary Studies from Towson University and an MA in Performance Studies from NYU. He was an NEA Arts Journalism Fellow in 2007.
I once imagined my artistic evolution as a ladder: performer to maker-of-performance to critic/academic/journalist. Now I live in the woods. Now I compose other choreographies—for words, paint, ink, and talking. Looking for the next signpost, the next odd parabola, the next forking corridor.