Hi everyone my name is Andrew and I am from Wisconsin. I love animals and trained American Saddlebred show horses for many years. In addition to training horses, I was a substitute teacher and feel that I will be forever a student of psychology. Hopefully, one day I will be able to finish my last semester of my undergraduate and continue on in graduate work. As a child, I often participated in the different arts and crafts that my mother partook in such as working with greenware and ceramics. Currently, I have been using my creative abilities to start GBF Bespoke Balloons and Event Services. We specialize in balloon decor and photo booth services. I love using balloon decor to create beautiful accent pieces for a photo backdrop area. In addition, I have been learning how to create sublimation products in hopes of selling out of our online store found at YourGBFevent.com. I have a bit of social anxiety which can be difficult as a business owner, but I strive to step out of my comfort zone daily.
When I think of artists I think of people who can draw or create the most beautiful paintings or drawings, that's not me. I love learning, learning how things work, how they go together, and the necessary processes to go from idea to finished product, and because of that love of learning I am awarded the opportunity to create things that I hope are loved by those experiencing them.