Currently participating in SOMARTS.ORG , A PROMISE NOT TO FORGET, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS October 7-November 5. Altar honoring lives lost at Pulse Night Club, Orlando. Instagram @heartofsolis
Solis was born in California, and he was raised in the Salinas Valley, before moving to San Francisco in 2002. Solis is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Digital Design Program who has made, shown and sold art since 2009. His art has been featured in regional and national publications such as The San Francisco Bay Times in 2011 as well as in A&U Magazine in 2013. City Art Gallery, Wonderland, Gallery 1044 and ARC Gallery are merely a few venues that have displayed his creations. Some of which can be found in private collections in the United States, Canada and Europe.
Solis prepares for his shows by gathering items from Building Resources, S.C.R.A.P, local flea markets and estate sales. Also included in the various assemblage pieces are components (which he had tucked away for years waiting for exactly the right moment) up-cycled to bring to life with his singular artistic vision.
STRANGE BEAUTY- Solis assembles creations that are candy colored confections which are a sweet treat for your artistic senses.
The artist makes the viewer consider the origins of the components while plucking nostalgic heartstrings in the process. Allow the mind of Solis to be the lens through which you view strange beauty. In which others may only see decay or obsolescence.