Carlos Sánchez is a young Venezuelan artist that expresses himself trouhg figurative art. He has done scenographic work and Costume for an independent theater group in Maracaibo. He has been very influenced by surrealist artists and by literature literature, pop culture and politics, as his work is very narrative. He has a degree on visual arts but he has also studied Theater, dance and Circus, those influences can be seen in many of his pictorical works, which are the most important and relevant part of hes creations. He has exhibited his work in Spain, Italy, USA and his native Venezuela. His paintings can be found in private Collections in Panama, the UK, Venezuela, Argentina, USA, Spain, France, Mexico, England and other countries. Carlos' work has been exposed in almost 100 collective shows and 10 Solo exhibitions. Carlos has collaborated with musicians and bands, singing and recording music, also making covers form many different rock bands. He lives and keeps working daily in a small town called Carora, in Venezuela
I belive an art should be enjoy and not explained. I try to make it delightfull and at the same time funny, inspired by classic and contemporary figurative masters. I use very strong colours inspired by the caribbean Venezuelan light that turn the colours of things very intense. My work is very diverse, i´ve treaten almost every subject that exist, from sexuality to pollitics, passing trough, religion, landscapes and my favourite one, portraits.
Academic Preparation
<strong>Experimental Arts Faculty. University of Zulia.</strong> Graduated with a degree in plastic arts mention painting in 2009. Maracaibo
<strong>DANZALUZ.</strong> Contemporary Dance and Ballet Classes. 2007-2009. Maracaibo
<strong>TELUZ.</strong> Theatrical Initiation Workshop. 2006-2008. Maracaibo
Individual Expositions all in Venezuela
<strong></strong><strong>Comics & </strong><strong>bullet point . </strong>Kristoff Hotel. Maracaibo. 2016<strong></strong>
Short Anthology. Republicaof Guarimure. Carora. 2014
Antropofauna. Paradiso Space. Maracaibo. 2013
Daily Pulsions. Nelson Garrido Organisation. Caracas. 2012
Theatrical and Circus. Pilopez Pilates. Caracas. 2012
The Legend of Time. House Steinford Museum. Táchira. 2011
Paintings. Small Format Art Gallery “Armando Reverón”. Cecilio Acosta University. Maracaibo. 2011.
Pictorical Polyglot Prayers. House-Workshop theatre of the word. Maracaibo. 2011
Between Small Deaths. The Empire of the Book. Maracaibo. 2006
Awards and Recognitions
2014. VIII Art Salon of Barquisimeto City.First Prize. IMCA. Barquisimeto
2014. IV Contest Views of Hispanoamerica. Second Prize. Contemporary Arts Museum of Maracaibo
2014. Second Biennial PDVSA East. Honorifical Mention. Art Museum of Cumana
2013. Fast Painting Contest of the University of Carabobo. Second Prize.
2010. Stimulus Prize Café Imperial. Unique prize
2009. I Painting biennial Chiara Lubich. First prize. Maracaibo.
2008. III Contest Views of Hispanoamerica. Best Novel Artist Prize in Maracaibo and the Unique Honorifical Mention at the international Contest in Alicante, Spain.
2008. Cevaz emerging Artists Salon. Honorífical Mention
2007. II Draw and Painting Constest on the National Plastic Artist Day. University of Zulia Experimental Arts Faculty. First Prize.
2007. I Corpozulia Painting Contest. “Neptalí Rincón”. Honorifical Mention.
Lía Bermúdez Center of Arts. Maracaibo
2006. XXXV Interchange Painting Salon. Honorifical Mention.Fine Arts Museum of Maracaibo.
2005. XXXIV Interchange Painting Salon. Honorifical Mention. Medical Collegue of Maracaibo
He has participated in nearly 200 group exhibitions among which highlighted:
2015. Pixels Project. GBG Arts Gallery. Caracas
Maracaibo´s International Art Fair. Lia Bermudez Center of Arts
2014. XI Regional Young Artists Salon. Contemporary Art Museum of Zulia
IX CEVAZ Salon of Emerging Artist. United States Consulate in Zulia
67 Bienial Arturo Michelena. Pedro Báez Art Gallery.Carabobo
II Young October Salon. Jesús Soto Museum. Puerto La Cruz.
Arts Festival I Bienial. Capitolio of Valencia.
2013. I Young October Salon. Arts Museum of Valencia
2012.Superable Salon. Corpbanca Center of Arts. Caracas
64 Biennial “Arturo Michelena Salon”. Urology Institute of Valencia. Carabobo