Edward Lightner
California State University, Northridge, CA, M.A. (studio art/painting), 1990
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 1987
California State University, Bakersfield, CA, B.A. 1984
2014 Them!, Lobby Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2013 The Underworld is My Oyster, L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
L.A. Art Show, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA (Catalogue)
2011 The Eradication Project, L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
2007 The End., L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
2006 pay your respects to the vultures…, L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
2004 Fluffy,L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
“the sum total of my artistic experiences”,installation, L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
2003 Remote Viewer, BGH Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2002 Images Of The Purple Priesthood, Highways, Santa Monica, CA
1996 life / death intersection, Highways, Santa Monica, CA
1989 Epistemological Reality, North Gallery, California State University, Northridge, CA
1987 Symbol:Those / We, Center Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2009 Parallel Universes, with Keiko Fukazawa, L2kontemporary, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Transmissions, Patricia Watts, curator, venues TBD (upcoming)
Art AIDS America, Zuckerman Museum of Art, Kennesaw, GA and Bronx Museum of Arts, New York,
NY (upcoming)
2015 Art AIDS America, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (West Hollywood), CA and Tacoma
Art Museum, Tacoma, WA (upcoming)
Postcards From The Edge 2015, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2014 fresh, Mat Gleason, juror, South Bay Contemporary, Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Postcards From The Edge 2014, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2013 Transmissions, Marin Community Foundation, Patricia Watts, curator, Novato, CA
Bombs, Blobs & Thingies, SCA Project Gallery, Pomona, CA
Postcards From The Edge 2013, Sekkema Jenkins & Co., New York, NY
2012 Uncensored: Queer Art and the Church, Leslie-Lohman Museum, New York
Temporary Distemper, Ron Faranovich, curator, XVY Art & Design, Los Angeles, CA
Postcards From The Edge 2012, Cheim & Read, New York, NY
2011 Out There, Francisco George & William Escalera, jurors, Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA
Escape, J. J. Kegan McFadden, curator, Visual AIDS Web Gallery, online (based in New York, NY)
Postcards From The Edge 2011, CRG Gallery, New York, NY
2010 Pin-UPs, Studio 1131, Los Angeles, CA
Heroworship:a graphic tale of epic proportions, C. Emerson Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL
Postcards From The Edge 2010, ZieherSmith, New York, NY
2009 Plastic, Rubber + Wood, Beth McNeill, curator, McNeill Art Group Project Space, Tribeca, New York, NY
Oildale, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
Earth, Air, Fire Exhibition, Margaret Lazarri, juror, Long Beach Arts, Long Beach, CA
Postcards From The Edge 2009, Metro Pictures, New York, NY
2008 Militancy and Mourning, Paul Sendziuk, curator, Visual AIDS Web Gallery, New York, NY, online
USA, Korea, Japan Contemporary Art Festival “Different and Coexist”, Asto Museum of Art, Wrightwood, CA (catalogue)
2007 Postcards From The Edge 2007, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY
The Eclectic World of Gad, Simone Gad, curator, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
ASTO International Art Festival, National Assembly Library, Seoul, Korea (Catalogue)
Gwangwhamoon International Art Festival, Seoul, Korea (Catalogue)
L.A. International Art Festival 2007, Asto Museum of Art, Long Beach CA
Hausguests, Haus @ The Brewery Project, Los Angeles, CA
2006 Postcards From The Edge 2006, Sekkema Jenkins & Co., New York, NY
LA Libertine Society presents:The Nature of Excess, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
2005 Postcards From The Edge 2005, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, NY
Inside Out..., David Early, curator, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
2004 Postcards From The Edge 2004, New York, NY
Chroma Nouveau, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
In America Now, Peter Frank, Juror, Don O'Melveny Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
2003 Postcards From The Edge 2003, Galerie Lelong, New York, NY
Fall Salon 2003, Limner Gallery, New York, NY
Open Haus, Haus Gallery, Pasadena, CA
Launch Pad:The Next Generation, Don O'Melveny Gallery, West Hollywood, CA(Catalogue)
2002 Total Life, Lui Sanchez, curator, Eagle Rock Community Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA (Catalogue)
Evening Becomes Eclectic III, Don O'Melveny Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
With and Without You:Re-visitations of Art in the Age of AIDS, Royce W. Smith, curator, Ivan
Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Postcards From The Edge 2002, Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York, NY
Summer Salon - 2002, Limner Gallery, New York, NY
Facing AIDS:Imaging The Global Epidemic, traveling exhibition with stops in New York, Moscow,
Paris and Johannesburg, Philadelphia, others (book)
Spring Salon - 2002, Limner Gallery, New York, NY
2001 Postcards From The Edge 2001, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York, NY
Current Works 2001, Society for Contemporary Photography, Kansas City, MO
Summer Salon - 2001, Limner Gallery, New York, NY
2000 Postcards From The Edge 2000, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Hallelujah! It's Raining Men!!, Highways Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Landscapes, New Century Artists, New York, NY
1999 Postcards From The Edge II, Alexander And Bonin, New York, NY
Renewals And Transformations, The Advocate Gallery, Hollywood, CA
Art Is Figurative, Libby Lumpkin, juror, ACCI Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Desire, Ernesto Pujol, curator, National Arts Club, New York, NY (Catalogue)
SM ALL, The Caged Chameleon, Santa Ana, CA
Art In An Age Of Anxiety, Todd Madigan Gallery, California St. University, Bakersfield, CA
1998 Postcards From The Edge, Kenny Schacter’s Gallery/ROVE, New York, NY
Recent work, Artcore Brewery Annex, Los Angeles, CA
Beyond Memorials And Symbols:Artists in the Robert D. Farber Living Arts Project, Cirilo Domine,
curator, The Advocate Gallery, Hollywood, CA
Come & Get It, Hollywood DMV, Hollywood, CA
SexualityObject, Scott Holman, curator, New Century Artists Gallery, New York, NY
The Robert D. Farber Living Arts Project, Cirilo Domine, curator, Highways, Santa Monica, CA
1996 Questioning Equality:An Artistic Dialogue, Jim Reed, curator, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA
1995 transcend aids, Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies, Los Angeles, CA
Photo, Bolsky Gallery, Otis College of Art and Design, Westchester, CA
Sex Object:the fetish fixation explored in multi media, Aaron Smith, curator, La Luz de Jesus,
Hollywood, CA
1994 Loss and Remembrance: dealing with AIDS in the community, Jim Reed, curator, Riverside Art Museum
Grand opening, Insomnia Gallery and Bookstore, Whittier, CA
1993 Crossing LA, Museum of African American Art, Los Angeles, CA
Contextual Turbulence, Alfredo de Batuc, curator, John Thomas Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
1988 Personal Myths, North Gallery, California State University, Northridge, CA
Ashes to Art, Century Gallery, Sylmar, CA
1987 Two Benches.Ten Paintings., Center Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
1986 University of South Florida annual Fine Art Auction, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
1985 New Talent, Cunningham Memorial Art Gallery, Bakersfield, CA
Works on Paper, Todd Madigan Gallery, California St. University, Bakersfield, CA
1984 Bachelor of Arts show, Todd Madigan Gallery, California St. University, Bakersfield, CA
2013 Ten Years Drawn, L2kontemporary, Los Angeles, CA
1992-94 Fetish Ball and Ball Bizarre
1991-07 Out Auction, various locations, Los Angeles, CA
1991-92 installations for Club Fuck!, Los Angeles, CA
1988 installation for The Anti-Club, Hollywood, CA
2010“Even when not advancing hero worship theme, show at C. Emerson Fine Arts is interesting”, St
Petersburg Times, http://www.tampabay.com/features/visualarts/article1117360.ece, 26, Aug. 2010
2009“Welcome to the ‘Hood: Tribeca Project Space”, Tribeca Citizen, http://tribecacitizen.com/2009/10/22/welcome-to-the-hood-tribeca-project-space/, 22, Oct. 2009
Gavin, Camille, “Oildale goes contemporary”, The Bakersfield Californian, 5, Aug. 2009, pp. A1 & A3.
2006Nieto, Margarita. ArtScene, vol. 25, no. 10, June. 2006, pp. 23-4.
2003“Almonds and Viramune.”Reproduced in Pandemic: Facing AIDS(New York: Umbrage Editions /
Moxie Firecracker Films, 2003), p. 212.
1999Forbes, Rhomylly B. “California Theming.”A & U, issue 60, vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1999, pp. 32-5.
1998California Artist Directory, vol. 1, 1998, pp. 68-9.
1994Insomnia, vol. 3, no. 2, Spring 1994, p. 3 & pp. 38-9.
1993Dunn, Samantha.“Counted Out,” LA Weekly, vol. 15, no. 38, 20-26 Aug. 1993, pp. 24-5.
“L. A. fest spurns artistic integrity; spawns independent showing.”Nightlife Magazine, issue 594, 23
Aug. 1993, pp. 44-5.