Juan Coronel (1990) from Córdoba, Argentina. In his eleven years of experience will develop a large production of graphic, sculptural and performative works. She also worked as a seminarian, workshop facilitator and researcher at the UNC. He founded Niu and Casa Carlos, cultural incubators. In his work, technical experimentation is evident in an image that dilutes and distorts the landscape.
I am an artist who enunciates, I walk the streets of my city with a piece that speaks about hiv.
I am an art work in the open field.
I am the footprint.
I am an image that dissolves and distorts the landscape.
I am the device that bursts in for us to name.
How to talk about what the bodies keep silent?
Juan Coronel ventures into art when he moved to Córdoba, where he began engraving studies at the National University of Córdoba. Works as a student assistant, attends workshops and training seminars. Guided by experimentation and exploration of the various techniques and aesthetic results that printmaking offers, specializes in new technologies and materials. Joins two research groups in graphic resources and natural fiber paper production. Comes in contact and disseminates, among other techniques, the Photolithography without water; develops a recipe for the production of 100% cotton paper from Palo Borracho (Ceiba Speciosa).
He developed instances of dialogue between Latin American artists in an itinerant format, in Córdoba and Montevideo during 2017 and 2018. 28 artists from different disciplines participated in these instances, including Dani Umpi, BasicaTV, Lolo and Lauti, Matias de la Guerra.
In 2018 he joined Espacio Poética, a young gallery in the city during 2018 and 2019, where he manages to exhibit individual and collective work in different instances, such as in the Art Market of the city of Córdoba (Mercado de Arte de Córdoba - 2018). His first solo show, “TrasTienda” in the same year, is the intersection of his experimental paths, where he fuses low tech virtual reality in dialogue with the methods resulting from years of research and training in graphic art.
Then bases his work on cultural productions mainly, co-creating, among others, FURIA CBA BALL ROOM, the first Ball Room in the city. There, they provide a platform for the local LGBTIQ + community of free expression and celebration in diversity.
Strengthens his work participating in the international online program Together Apart FRONTERA and #FUTURO (2021) of Proyecto ‘ace. With a format of work and research in collaboration with 22 artists.
Currently continues with the production of artistic and cultural works. Along with Matías Farfán and Colectiva Vihrósica promote HABLEMOS (October 2021 - February 2022), a series of activies in order to build an intersectional dialogue around hiv.