Kelly Gluckman
Kelly Gluckman is a recent UCLA graduate and Los Angeles native. She majored in World Arts and Cultures, with a focus on arts-activism. While in school, she developed and taught a UCLA accredited course called Fighting Social Stigma Through Art, performed alongside the UCLA Sex Squad, an undergraduate theatre troop who creates a show around sexual health topics for high school youth, mentored the Wilson High School Sex-ed Squad, and developed an IRB approved research study to test the effectiveness of storytelling and performance for the purposes of sexual health education and dispelling stigma. As a communally engaged artist, she most enjoys facilitating arts empowerment workshops within the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities.
Since coming out publicly in 2012 as a person living with HIV, Kelly has been featured on far reaching platforms such as HIV Plus Magazine, A&U Magazine, HIV Equal, Bustle online, the CDC, MTV, and most recently, on an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. In 2017, she was featured in the POZ 100, celebrating women living with HIV doing advocacy work in and for the community, as well as honored to be awarded the Pedro Zamora Young Leaders Scholarship. She has also been honored to uphold Dame Elizabeth Taylor’s HIV/AIDS activist legacy by representing her Foundation as an official ambassador for the past four years.