Edwin Lacend
Edwin Lacend lived and worked in East Harlem. He was the winner of the Positively 2000 Calendar competition sponsored by Abbott Laboratories. His work appeared throughout New York City, including the Williamsburg Art and Historical Center, the Harlem Branch of Banco Popular, the Lenox Lounge Jazz Hall of Fame, and the Queens Independent Gallery.
The next best thing to traveling is having an imagination. I've traveled in my mind far and long distances - and have accumulated quite a bit of frequent flyer miles...
"Why do I paint?" First, I paint because I can and learned how. I suppose the next question is how I learned to draw. The answer is simple yet complicated. I was drawn to draw. My the earliest recollection of how I was drawn would be directly linked to my nuclear family. What I remember is real to me. I remember at the age of about three, or maybe four, when my mother would gather us up on the kitchen table on East 112th Street in Spanish Harlem. There, my mother would stimulate and stir the passion that I now know were the roots of who I have become as an artist. I am the youngest of four, a set of twin brothers and a sister four years my senior.