(Born in Tlaxcala, 1989 - Lives and works between Mexico City and Tlaxcala)
Interested in the wrinkles between document and fiction, the family archive and the national history, the montage of the body and public life. Graduated from the International Relations degree (ITESM) and student of Library Sciences (UNAM). Selected to study at the National Photo Library System and the Image Center at Mexico City. He has been a beneficiary of the Cultural Development and Co-Investment Program (FONCA 2011), Young Creators Grant (FONCA 2016) and the Municipal and Community Cultures Support Program (PACMyC 2015). His video work has been part of festivals such as ULTRAcinema MX, FICUNAM, The International Postporn Festival and Cinemaissí: Latinamerican Film Festival. He currently works as program coordinator for the civil organization coarco ac and is conductor of the television project Imagen Nómada.
La vida de uno como fragmento trasvesti de la vida nacional.