I live and work in Bogotá. I am a sculptor and a graduate in Fine Arts from the National University of Colombia, with additional studies in Veterinary Medicine currently on hold. I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Conservation and Use of Biodiversity at Pontifical Javeriana University, where I also teach in the Visual Arts department.
My artistic practice focuses on the intersection of art, naturoculture, and landscape, inspired by the observation of socio-ecological processes, particularly cattle ranching. Through research into organic matter, imagery, and sound, I create sensitive devices materialized as site-specific interventions, sculptural objects, performances, and videos.
My solo exhibition, Until Blood Becomes Pollen, is on view at Espacio KB (Bogotá, Colombia) from September 26 to December 15, 2024.
As a researcher, I have participated in interdisciplinary projects that integrate fine arts, natural sciences, and humanities. From 2021 to 2022, I worked in the Museology Department of ICANH, developing research and communication strategies to engage with communities and local stakeholders. I also contributed to the projects Trazas, Oficios y Territorios and Ciudad de Piedra at the National University of Colombia between 2019 and 2021.
I am a member of the collective Los Amarillos, founded after receiving a grant from Visual AIDS NYC to create a short film for Day With(out) Art 2022, an international AIDS awareness event screened in over 140 institutions worldwide. Additionally, I am part of Tomamos la Palabra, a collective born during Colombia’s national civic strike in 2019.
My work Motín de mugidos mudos was featured in Alejandro Salcedo’s exhibition Minuta, as part of the XII Luis Caballero Award in 2023, and was later included in the same exhibition at the Pereira Museum of Art in 2024.
My project Territorio en contención was one of the winners of the IV FUGA Young Art Salon Award in 2023 and was selected for the En Bloque Artistic Residency by IDARTES in 2021. This project was also part of the group exhibition Mingas de cuerpos and was documented in the film Noviembre by Alejandro Salcedo and Jenny Toro in 2020.
The piece Poema Rumiante I was showcased in the 2021 Colsanitas/Spanish Embassy Young Art Award exhibition at Galería Nueveochenta. In 2018, I exhibited my project A Medio Horizonte at the Rogelio Salmona Building of the National University of Colombia, the Gilberto Álzate Avendaño Foundation (FUGA), and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogotá.
In 2017, I participated in the exhibition Situaciones en Suma at the Museum of Art of the National University of Colombia in collaboration with Pedro Jiménez. In 2016, I was invited along with Catalina Gómez to the Panorama Colombian Film Festival in Berlin.
Sculpture as a Cradle of Encounter
My sculptural work germinates from observing the inherent relationships between humans and earth beings. The way the hand drops a seed into a hole made in a furrow of earth, and then the way the food is dug up.Bees covering cells with wax to preserve honey, and honey sweetening a sip of tea. Mushroom gardens tilled by termites, and hundreds of termite mounds on crops tilled by humans. A cow foraging for ears of corn days after harvest in the field, and a calf feeding on its mother's milk from a bottle amid the mist and cold.
I try to transform my human condition through paying attention to other possible ways of generating encounters and weaving links with earth beings, challenging the relationship of domination usually established through practices such as cattle raising.
The transformation of matter is the extension of an intention, and sculpture stands as its witness. When that intention seeks to invoke and invite other beings, sculpture becomes a cradle—a cradle for the encounter to rest on.
A Landscape That Makes the Everyday Sacred
The diverse ways in which the elements that make up the planet interact create images; these images are landscapes. Therefore, a landscape is not a two-dimensional tableau that functions as a peephole, nor is it the border imposed by the rectangle of a painting.
From the forehead of someone who receives the sun, a drop of sweat pours into the wind to touch the ground. A cow lies down on the grass, and while it gets dark, it moves its tail to scare away the flies. A human gently catches a small bird that has climbed through the window into his house to guide it where it can resume its flight.
A landscape occurs when a space is arranged to listen and point out a place, its elements and its material expression. Beyond a cultural or ecological concept, landscape evokes the relationships, experiences, and affections between beings of the earth, illuminating points of connection amid divergence. I believe sculpture will bear witness to the life-giving processes that occur in being in relationship with the pluriverse, and that it will endure even until blood becomes pollen.
2024 Territorio en contención (Cap 1: Antropo-prótesis), Zona Gris: encuentros con la sombra, Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá.
2024 Los Amarillos, collab Camilo Acosta, HOPE, Westside cultural arts center, Atlanta, GA.
2024 Hasta que la sangre sea polen, Exposición individual Santiago Lemus, Espacio KB, Bogotá.
2024 Persistencias, Food to Vision Hungry Children”: Art and Fragments from Steven Arnold’s Mouth, Visual Aids Web Gallery, New York.
2024 Los Amarillos, collab Camilo Acosta, Flowering substances. A film programme like a brew of petals, tears and rituals, European Media Art Festival EMAF, Osnabrück, Germany.
2024 Motín de mugidos mudos, collab Minuta, Museo de Arte de Pereira, Pereira.
2023 Motín de mugidos mudos, collab Minuta - Alejandro Salcedo, XII Premio Luis Caballero, Espacio sátelite, Bogotá.
2023 Territorio en contención (Cap 1: Antropo-prótesis y Cap 2: Membrana, IV Salón de arte Joven, Fundación Gilberto Álzate FUGA, Bogotá.
2023 Manifiesto Amarillo, collab Camilo Acosta, Virosis: Arte y VIH en Colombia (1981-2023), Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, MAMBO.
2023 Los Amarillos, collab Camilo Acosta, Virosis: Arte y VIH en Colombia (1981-2023), Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, MAMBO.
2022 Los Amarillos, Day With(out) Art 2022, Más de 140 instituciones artísticas alrededor del mundo, Whitney Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá MAMBO, Cinemateca de Bogotá, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, Harvard Art Museums, Casco Art Institute (Utrecht, Países Bajos), MACBA (Barcelona, España), MoCA Taipei (Taipéi, Taiwán), Normal Screen (Tokio, Japón), Museo Pera (Estambul, Turquía), Galeria Miejska Arsenal (Poznań, Polonia), Museo Schwules (Berlín, Alemania), Vtape (Toronto, Canadá) entre otras.
2022 Tender las memorias del alimento, Colaboración con Tomamos la palabra y Colectivo Sumak Kawsay, El fruto es un punto en la trama, Galería Santa Fe, Bogotá.
2022 Poema Rumiante I, A medio Horizonte, Negociación en pastura. Exposición Ser y estar fragmentados, Equinox Coleccionismo contemporáneo.
2022 A Medio Horizonte, Arte joven 20x21, Museo de Arte de Pereira, Pereira.
2021 Poema Rumiante I, Premio de Arte Joven 2021 Colsanitas/Embajada de España, Galeria nueveochenta, Bogotá.
2021 La Bestia y el Soberano, The impossibility to make a thing remain still, Visual Aids Web Gallery, New York.
2021 Frontera es encuentro, Fever!, Visual Aids Web Gallery, New York.
2021 Video "Ciudad de Piedra" en co-dirección con Rosario López, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, MAMBO, Bogotá.
2020 Territorio en contención, colaboración para la película Noviembre dirigida por Alejandro Salcedo y Jenny Toro, Bogotá, Colombia.
2020 Territorio en contención, Minga de cuerpos /Acciones Recíprocas, Performance emitido virtualmente, Bogotá.
2019 Ineludible, (5 minutos antes) aproximaciones a una idea de paisaje, Espacio cinco 33 galería, Bogotá.
2018 A medio Horizonte, Proyecto Tesis XV edición Mejores tesis de grado de Colombia, Museo de arte contemporáneo de Bogotá.
2018 A Medio Horizonte, Habitar, Adentrar, Inabarcar, Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño (FUGA) Bogotá.
2018 CMD Pintura Colaboración con Siu Vásquez, CMD Internet paintings, Miltos Manetas, Museo Nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo MAXXI, Roma, Italia.
2018 A Medio Horizonte, Mudar de Sombra XXXVII Muestra de trabajos de grado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Edificio Rogelio Salmona, Bogotá.
2017 Cuadrúpedos, No sé qué pasa Conmigo, Casa Kilele, Bogotá.
2017 Edafos, colaboración con Pedro Jiménez, Situaciones en suma, Laboratorio Cano, Museo de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
2016 Frontera es encuentro, Colaboración con Catalina Gómez Rueda, Panorama Colombia. Colombian Film festival Berlin Wichertstrasse 69, Berlin, Alemania.
2016 Está, Parteojo Vs_01, Festival internacional de cine de Barranquilla, La galería, Escuela de BA de la U Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia.
2014 Escotoma, Salón Cano 2014 Prácticas para habitar el hangar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá