Sunil Gupta (b.1953 New Delhi, India) is a photographer, curator, writer and an activist. Gupta migrated to Canada at the age of 15. He was educated in photography at the New School, New York, USA (1976) and the Royal College Art, London, UK (1983).
Over a career spanning more than four decades, Gupta has maintained a visionary approach to photography, producing bodies of work that are pioneering in their social and political commentary. The artist’s diasporic experience of multiple cultures informs a practice dedicated to themes of race, migration and queer identity – his own lived experience a point of departure for photographic projects, born from a desire to see himself and others like him represented in art history.
In 1976, the first set of photographs Gupta made as a practicing artist were taken around Christopher Street in Manhattan, using the camera as a tool for open expression. The series reflects the openness of the gay liberation movement, as well as his own “coming out” as an artist. More than a nostalgic time capsule, the photographs reveal a community that shaped Gupta as a person and cemented his lifelong dedication to portraying people who have been denied a space to be themselves.
In the series Exiles (1986-1987), commissioned by the Photographers’ Gallery, Gupta returned to India and photographed gay men in front of a backdrop of famous tourist sites, the finished prints then presented alongside quotes from the subjects. Taken at a time when homosexuality was illegal in India, it was imperative for the artist to prove the existence of this community to himself and to the world. What is evident in this early project and has remained consistent in Gupta’s practice is the use of photography as a conduit to meeting people, as he builds up a rapport with his subjects and finds new stories. For example, in Lovers: Ten Years On (1984-86) he sought to meet and photograph queer people in long-term relationships, in order to try to understand the recent break up of his own. This series was overlooked at the time as there was ‘discomfort [in] acknowledging interracial male or homoerotic desire.’[1] Now, Lovers: Ten Years On has a different significance for its sociological resonance, pinpointing a specific moment in British consciousness.
In the mid-1990s, Gupta was diagnosed as HIV positive, which caused the artist’s focus to shift - although his practice had always had a level of introspection, this was brought to the fore in works using his body as subject matter. It was at this point he had a physiological discovery that digital photography - which Gupta had been working with for eight years - did not have the same transformative quality as film photography, stating that the ‘dark room is magic’ and ‘healing.’[2] This is exemplified through the series From Here to Eternity (1999), in which the artist documents his medical journey and maps his South London context, aiding the artist in coming to terms with his illness.
From 2004 to 2012, Gupta returned to living in India, during which time he photographed the queer community in a series entitled Mr Malhotra’s Party. An updated version of Exiles, the artist photographed the young people he had come to know. In comparison to the earlier series, his subjects are more upfront and confrontational in their poses. Although there was still a high degree of invisibility for this community, Gupta captures a sense of defiance in these images – homosexuality was still illegal in India at the time, and yet people were determined to get together, meeting online and at private parties under fake names to defy the law.
Most recently, Gupta has been developing a project centring around the topic of queer migration in Canada. The artist has come to realise that his identity was partly shaped by his own migration - describing his experience as not so much a ‘departure as an arrival.’ In Gupta’s critical practice, he continues to forge his own cultural history, fusing the public and the personal through photographs that highlight those marginalized in society.
Gupta has curated over 30 exhibitions, and has organized conferences, lectures, and presentations internationally. His work is in many public collections, including, the Museum of Modern Art (NY, USA) Tate Britain (UK), Philadelphia Museum of Art (USA), Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Japan), the Royal Ontario Museum (Canada), George Eastman House (Rochester, USA), Arts Council of Great Britain and Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA).
- Hales Gallery
Canadian. Born, 1953: New Delhi, India
Works and Lives: London UK
University of Westminster, PhD. London 2019
Royal College of Art, MA. (Photography), London. 1981-83
West Surrey College of Art & Design, (Dip. Photo), Farnham, Surrey. 1978-81
Philip Halsman & Lisette Model, The New School for Social Research, New York. 1976
Concordia University, Montreal, Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) 1972-77
Dawson College, Montreal 1970-72
High School of Montreal 1969-70
St. Columba's High School, New Delhi to 1969
2021 Sunil Gupta, Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto
2020 Sunil Gupta, The Photographers' Gallery, London
2019 Christopher Street, Hales Gallery, New York
2019 The Politics of Images, Brixton Tate Library, London (with Charan Singh)
2018 Friends & Lovers: Coming Out in Montréal in the 1970s, Stephen Bulger Gallery
2018 Dissent and Desire, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston (with Charan Singh)
2017 Sunil Gupta: In Pursuit of Love, Pelz Gallery, University of London
2017 Delhi: Communities of Belonging, Diffusion, Cardiff Photo Festival (with Charan Singh)
2017 Delhi: Communities of Belonging, SepiaEye, New York (with Charan Singh)
2015 Queer Migrations, Whitney Humanities Centre, Yale University
2014 Sunil Gupta: Out and About in New York and New Delhi, Sepia Eye, New York
2012 Sun City & Other Stories Alliance Francaise Gallery, New Delhi
2010 The New Pre-Raphaelites, Grosvenor Vadehra, London
2009 Love, Undetectable, Vadehra Art Gallery, Delhi
2009 Imagining Childhood, Sepia, New York
2009 Mr Malhotra's Party, Stephen Bulger, Toronto
2007 Homelands & Tales of a City, Belfast Exposed, Belfast
2007 Sunil Gupta, Bombay Art Gallery, Mumbai
2006 Imagining Childhood: Living with HIV in Delhi, College of Saten Island, New York
2006 Looking for Langston (with Isaac Julien), Metro Pictures, New York
2005 Sunil Gupta, Canadian Museum for Contemporary Photography, Ottawa
2004 Pictures From Here, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton
2004 Homelands, Sepia International, New York
2004 Homelands, Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto
2004 Pictures From Here, London Print Studio
2004 Pictures From Here, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
2004 Tales of A City - Delhi, Lighthouse, Poole
1997 Trespass 3, Bedford Hill Gallery, London
1997 Trespass 3, Portfolio, Edinburgh
1996 Trespass 3, YYZ, Toronto
1995 Trespass 3, Focal Point Gallery, Southend
1994 Trespass 3, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver
1991 Film in the Cities, St Paul, Minnesota (USA)
1991 Theatre Workshop, Edinburgh (Festival)
1988 Social Security, The Showroom, London
1986 Leica Gallery, Wetzlar
1986 South Hill Park, Bracknell
1984 Museum & Art Galleries, Leicester
1984 Museum & Art Galleries, Nottingham
1984 UN International Maritime Organisation, London
1983 Commonwealth Institute, London
1980 India International Centre, New Delhi
2020 Barbican Art Gallery, London (tbc)
2019 Moving Still: Performative Photography from India, Vancouver Art Gallery
2019 Hyphen, Ambika P3, University of Westminster, London
2018 Vision Exchange: Perspectives from India to Canada, Art Gallery of Alberta (tour to Art Museum at Univ. of Toronto, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina and the National Gallery in Ottawa until 2020.
2018 Re-present: Photography from South Asia, Kamploops Art Gallery
2018 Dissent and Desire, Kochi Muziris Biennale, India (with Charan Singh)
2017 In Your Face Salisbury Arts Centre
2017 The Place is Here Nottingham Contemporary/Middlesborough Institute of Modern Art
2016 Clifford Chance, New York
2016 The Human Document, Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry
2016 Fotobiennale Odense, Denmark
2015 I am a Camera, Fotofest, Houston
2015 Picture This: Contemporary Photography from India, Philadelphia Museum of Art
2015 Safe, Home, Manchester
2015 GFest, Menier Gallery, London
2014 My Sweet Lord, 1x1 Gallery, Dubai
2014 Sunil Gupta, Magdalen College, Oxford
2014 Keywords, Tate, Liverpool
2014 Love AIDS Riot Sex-2, NGBK, Berlin
2013 Keywords, Iniva, London
2013 001-91+001-92, Art Gallery of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
2012 Indian Highway, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing
2012 Clifford Chance Annual Pride Exhibition, London
2012 The World in London, The Photographers’ Gallery, London
2012 2012: A Further Global Encounter, Grosvenor/Vadehra, London
2011 Indian Highway, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon & MAXXI, Rome
2011 The Matter Within New Contemporary Art of India, Yerba Buena, San Fransisco
2011 Paris-Delhi-Bombay... Centre Pompidou, Paris
2011 Something I've Been Meaning To Tell You, Vadehara Art Gallery, New Delhi
2011 Women in Love, Ashna Gallery, New Delhi
2010 Face-Up, Vadehara Art Gallery, New Delhi
2009 Self and the Other, Espai 2 - Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona
2009 En todas partes (Everywhere), Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2009 Sh(OUT) Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow
2009 Vadehra Art Gallery at ARCO, Madrid
2008 Make Art/Stop AIDS, Fowler Museum, UCLA, Los Angeles
2008 Pride, Clifford Chance, London
2008 Modern India, Valencian Institute of Modern Art, Valencia
2008 By All Means, Thomas Erben Gallery, Scpe Basel, Basel
2008 Street & Studio, Tate Modern, London
2008 Masculinities, Jawarharlal Nehru University, Delhi
2007 Photo London, London
2007 Photoespaña, Madrid
2007 Quietscapes, Museeo Carrilo Gill, Mexico City
2007 Les Rancontres d'Arles, Arles
2007 Public Places/Private Spaces, Newark Museum, Newark
2007 Gill & Gupta, India International Centre, Delhi
2007 Horn Please, Kunstmuseum, Bern
2006 Making Journeys, Djanogly Art Gallery, Nottingham
2006 The Eigth Square, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
2004 Faces in the Crowd, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
2004 Invalid, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London
1997/98 Transforming the Crown, Caribbean Cultural Centre, New York
1994 Havana Biennial, Ludwig Forum, Aachen
1994 Havana Biennial, Cuba
1993 They Call it Love, NGBK, Berlin
1992/3 Trophies of Empire, Arnolfini, Bristol & Ferens Art Gallery, Hull
1992 Fine Material for a Dream, Harris Museum, Preston & Touring (Hull,Oldham)
1992 How Do I Look?, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane & Touring
1992 Queer Landscape, Evergreen State College, Olympia (Washington State)
1992 Dis/Orient, UIC Gallery 400, Chicago
1991 Shocks to the System, The South Bank Centre, London
1990 Post Morality, Kettle's Yard, Cambridge
1990 Autoportraits, Camerawork, London
1990 Ecstatic Antibodies, Impressions Gallery of Photography, York (Tour)
1989 Fabled Territories, Leeds City Art Gallery (Tour)
1989 Partners in Crime, Camerawork, London
1989 Through the Looking Glass, Barbican Gallery, London
1988 Monologue/Dialogue, Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago
1987 The Body Politic, The Photographers' Gallery, London (Tour)
1986 Same Difference, Camerawork, London
1986 Darshan, GLC/ Camerawork, London
1986 The Black Experience, Brixton Art Gallery
1985 Riverside Open, Riverside Studios, London
1985 Staying On, The Photographers' Gallery, London
1984 Five Dials Gallery, London
1984 Brilliance Books, People's Gallery, London
1983 Snap, Oval House, London
1983 New Contemporaries, ICA, London
1982 The Living Arts, Serpentine Gallery, London
1980 Contemporary Colour Photography, Salford '80, Salford
2010 Sun City, Pompidou Centre, Paris
1999 From Here ot Eternity, Autograph-ABP, London
1995 Trespass 3, Essex Photography Fellowship, Focal Point Gallery, AUTOGRAPH-ABP
1992 Trespass 1, TROPHIES OF EMPIRE; Arnolfini, Bluecoat, Ferens Art Gallery
1990 Autoportraits, Autograph
1989 No Solutions. Ecstatic Antibodies
1988 Social Security, The Showroom/Canada House
1987 Exiles,THE BODY POLITIC, The Photographers' Gallery
1986 Reflections of the Black Experience, GLC / Brixton Art Gallery
1985 Notting Hill Carnival, Arts Council
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Tate, London
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University
University of Southampton
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
George Eastman House, Rochester
Museum of RISD, Providence
Fine Arts Museum, Houston
Arts Council of Great Britain
Nat'l Museum of Film, TV & Photography, Bradford
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia
Cartwright Hall, Bradford
2014 London Gay Switchboard, fragment of Tape/Slide installation
2012 The Alice Stories #1, “I Stay Here, You Stay There”, artist’s video
2009 Love, Undetectable #11,12,13, Artist’s videos
2009 I Want to Live, for Human Right Law Network/Sociol Legal Information Centre
2004 Stuart Hall on Photography, Interview with Stuart Hall
2004 Sarindar Dhaliwal: Record Keeping, Documentary about artist’s work produced and authored as DVD
2004 Decibel, Documentary on the work of the Arts Council of England’s project on Diversity in the Visual Arts in the UK
2003 (A World Without) Pity, Artist’s video, AHRB funded, University of Southampton
2002 Wong Hoy Cheong: Indigenous Skins, Documentary about artist’s work produced and authored as DVD
2001 Joy Gregory: Cinderella Stories, Documentary about artist’s work produced and authored as DVD
2000 Seven Days in May, Artist’s video
1991/1992 Cock Crazy or Scared Stiff, co-directed with Laura MacGregor for Avid Productions Leicester
1989/1990 deSouza Commissioned to make a short, 8 min film by Abseil Productions for the series Out on Tuesday; a profile of the artist Alan de Souza;
1988/1989 India Postcard Commissioned to make a short, 4 min., film by Abseil Productions, aired on Channel 4 in March 1989;
1987 Original photographs used in This is not an Aids advertisement by Isaac Julien / Sankofa Film & Video
India, Houston Fotofest (with Steven Evans) 2018
A Photograph is Not an Opinion - Contemporary Photography by Women, Focus Festival, Mumbai 2013
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You, Vadehara Art Gallery, New Delhi 2011
Photographing the Metropoliton, Max Muellar Bhawan-Goethe Institute, New Delhi 2011
Where Three Dreams Cross: Photography from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, (with Radhika Singh, Hammad Nasser and Shahidul Alam) Whitechapel Art Gallery, London 2010
Click! The Indian Photograph, (with Radhika Singh) Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi 2008
Relative Values: Contemporary Indian Photography, (with Radhika Singh) John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton UK 2007
Autoportraits, Nigah Queer Festival, New Delhi 2007.
Sarindar Dhaliwal, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton & Touring 2004/05
Roshini Kempadoo, City Art Gallery, Leicester & Touring 2004/05
Wong Hoy Cheong, Bluecoat, Liverpool & Touring 2002/3
Joy Gregory: Cinderella Stories, London & Touring2001
Stevie Bezencenet: Wilderness Dreams, London 2000
Jane Alexander, Gasworks, London 2000
Simryn Gill, Bluecoat, Liverpool, 1999 & touring.
The New Republics: Contemporary Art from Australia, Canada & South Africa, Canada House Gallery, London, 1999 & touring.
Fernando Arias, Chapter, Cardiff, 1998 & touring.
Divine Façades: Views of Indian Architecture, Impressions, York, 1997 & touring.
Transitions—The Bath Festival 1995 contemporary work from South Africa.
Sometime/s — Johannesburg Biennale 1995
Stan Douglas, OVA/INIVA/ICA, London 1994
Hiram To, OVA/INIVA/Camden Arts Centre, London 1994 & Touring
Disrupted Borders, OVA/INIVA/The Photographers’ Gallery & Arnolfini 1993 & Touring
Powers of Perception, London Borough of Lewisham, 1991
Autoportraits, (with Monika Baker) for Autograph Exhibitions, 1989/90
Fabled Territories, City Art Gallery, Leeds & Viewpoint, Salford, 1989
An Economy of Signs, (with Radhika Singh) The Photographers' Gallery, London, 1988/90
Partners in Crime, Camerawork, London 1989
Ecstatic Antibodies (with Tessa Boffin), Impressions Gallery & Touring 1988/90
Same Difference, (with Jean Fraser), Camerawork, 1986
2018 Christopher Street 1976, Stanley Barker, Edinburgh
2016 Delhi: Communities of Belonging, The New Press, New York (with Charan Singh)
2011 Queer: Sunil Gupta, Vadehra Art Gallery/Prestel
2008 Wish You Were Here, Yoda Press, New Delhi
2003 Pictures From Here, (Ed. Chris Boot) Autograph/Chris Boot, London
2000 Exiles, self published catalogue, London
2000 From Here to Eternity, London
1998 Sunil Gupta/Trespass, Autograph, London
1993 Disrupted Borders, (Ed) Rivers Oram Press, London & Boston
1990 An Economy of Signs, (Ed) Rivers Oram Press, London & Boston
1990 Ecstatic Antibodies: Resisting the Aids Mythology, (Ed. with Tessa Boffin), Rivers Oram Press, London
2003 Artist in Residence, Light Work, Syracuse
2002 AHRB Fellowship in Creative & Performing Arts, University of Southampton
2001 Arts Council of England, for the Diversity Project
2000 Canada Council Book Award for Publishing, "The New Republics: Contemporary Art from Australia, Canada and South Africa"
1999 British Council
1995 The Essex Fellowship in Photography: Artist in Residence program
1994 British Council, For travel & installation expenses, Havana Biennial
1993 London Arts Board, Individual Artist s Grant
1992 Arts Council, Touring Exhibition & Events Travel Grant
1992 Yorkshire & Humberside Arts, Artists Award for the making of new works
1992 British Council, Travel Award
1991Arts Council, Research Grant, for Disrupted Borders, art & book project
1990 British Council, Travel Award
1990 Arts Council, Project Development Grant, for Ecstatic Antibodies
1988 British Council, Travel Award, Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago
1983 RCA-3M (Royal College of Art Graduating Students Portfolio Award)
1980 Thames Television Travel Design Bursary, 2nd year students award for international projects
1972 University Entrance Scholarship, for Concordia University, Montréal
Queer Migrations, PhD dissertation, University of Westminster 2019
In Search on Contemporary Indian Photography, essay in INDIA: Contemporary Photography and New Media Art, Schilt Publishing 2018
Introduction, Where Three Dreams Cross: 150 Years of Photography From India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, Steidl, Gottingen 2010
Introduction, Click!: Contemporary Photography in India, Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi 2008
Memory, History and Language: The Work of Dominique Blain, catalogue essay, Arnolfini, Bristol 1997
Culture Wars: Race and Queer Art, essay in Outlooks: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities and Visual Culture, eds. Peter Horne and Reina Lewis, Routledge, London 1996
Curating the "New International" Visual Arts, essay in Naming a Practice: Curatorial Strategies for the Future, ed. Peter White, Walter Philips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Canada 1996
Cocks and Other Contradictions: The Work of Robert Mapplethorpe, essay in Portfolio magazine, Number 24, December 1996 Sunil Gupta, Creative Camera, Issue 339, April/May 1996 (Review)
TRESPASS 2, Exposure, Vol. 29, No. 2/3, Dallas 1994
TRESPASS 1, Catalogue, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver 1995 Cultural Revolution, Artists Newsletter, February 1995
India Postcard, Queer Looks, John Greyson, Martha Gever, Pratibha Parmar, eds. Routledge, New York & London 1993
Introduction, Disrupted Borders, ed. Sunil Gupta, Rivers Oram Press 1993
Black Boys, Shooting Back, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, PICA Press, Perth (Australia) 1992
Cowboys & Indians: Dancing with Hollywood. BAZAAR Magazine No 17 1991
Photography, Sexuality & Cultural Difference: The Emergence of Black Lesbian and Gay Identities in the UK, SF Camerawork, San Francisco 1990
No Solution, Ecstatic Antibodies, Tessa Boffin & Sunil Gupta, Eds.; Rivers Oram Press, 1990
Homosexualities-Part I, Ten.8, Issue 31, 1988
Black, Brown & White, Coming On Strong, eds. Shepherd & Wallis, Allen & Unwin, 1989
Coincidental Commissions, Work Stations, Anna Fox, Camerawork 1988
From India with Love, Lesbian & Gay Socialist, Winter 1987
Northern Media/Southern Lives, Photography / Politics 2, eds. Watney, Spence & Holland, Methuen 1987
The Rhetoric of Aids, with Simon Watney, Screen, Jan./Feb. 1986
Camerawork, The British Journal of Photography, 1986
Desire & Black Men, Ten.8, 1986 (Reprinted in Critical Decade, Ten.8 publication 1992)
Lovers: Ten Years On, Creative Camera, 1986
Closeted by Caste and Class, Inside Asia, 1985
The Hidden India, Gay Times, 1984
Ten Years On, Square Peg, 1984
Best Foot Forward, South: The Third World Magazine, 1983
They Dare Not Speak Its Name in Delhi, "Third World Review", The Guardian, November 26 1982
1992 Blue Boys (Dir.: Stuart Marshall/Mayavision)
1991 Young Soul Rebels (Dir.: Isaac Julien/British Film Institute)
1990 A Place of Rage (Dir.: Pratibha Parmar/C4)
1990 Comrades in Arms (Dir.: Stuart Marshall/Mayavision)
1989 Looking for Langston (Dir.: Isaac Julien/Sankofa Film & Video)
1986 to the present For Local Authorities, Trades Unions and Charitable Organisations; including, Brent, Islington, NUPE
1980 to 1986 For International Development Aid Agencies; including Christian Aid, Oxfam
From 1980 to the 1990s For a variety of national and international UK based publications, including: The Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Time Out, New Society, Woman's Own, Good Housekeeping
2019 Canada Council, Peer Assessor, Ottawa
2019 Getty Images Reportage Grants
2019 Deutsche-Bourse Photogrpahy Prize, The Photographers' Gallery, London
2008- Photography and Culture, Journal
1996- Arts Council of England Visual Arts Department Advisory Committees
1996- London Arts Board Visual Arts & Crafts Department Advisory Committee
1993/94 Year of Photography & the Electronic Image/Arts 2000 Judging Panel
1989/93 BAZAAR the South Asian Arts Magazine: Magazine Editorial Group
1987/90 AUTOGRAPH the Association of Black Photographers: Management Committee
1988/89 Greater London Arts, Black Arts Strategy Policy Group
1986 Commonwealth Institute, Standard Chartered Commonwealth PhotographyAward, European Judging Panel
1986 The Photographers' Gallery, Portfolio Selection
1986/90 Arts Council of Great Britain, Photography Advisory Group
1986/90 CAMERAWORK, London, Gallery Advisory Committee
1984 GLC, Anti-Racist Year Design Committee
Transferring the Meaning; Part II, International Curating, Arnolfini, Bristol,1996.I organised this important two day event with curators from the UK and overseason behalf of OVA and Southern Band.
ORACLE XII an international photography curators conference, November 1994.I hosted this important meeting of international curators held outside NorthAmerica for the first time in its history.
Royal College of Art 2017
University of the Creative Arts, Fanham, 2016
Decolonising the Mind, Autograph, London 2016
Transnational Curatorial Practices, Tate Britain 2016
City Lit, Turner Prize lecture, Tate Gallery 1993 & 1994, London College of Printing, Photofusion, London Stereotypes and Expectations panel discussion. St Martin's College of Art, The Slade School of Art, The Architectural Association, Sir John Cass School of Art (all London), Impressions Gallery (York), Watershed(Bristol), Ikon (Birmingham), Collins Gallery (Glasgow), Stills (Edinburgh),City Art Gallery (Leeds), California Institute for the Arts (Valencia).The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, University of California (Irvine, San Diego, Los Angeles), University of Illinois (Chicago), SF Camerawork (San Francisco), State University of San Jose, The Euclid Theatre (Toronto),Vancouver Art Gallery, University of British Columbia, Emily Carr College of Art(Vancouver), School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University(Evanston, Illinois), Middlesex Polytechnic. Museum of Modern Art (Oxford). Australia:- Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth at contemporary artspaces and colleges of higher education.
Royal College of Art, London, Visiting Tutor
University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Visiting Professor of Photography
2019 Cruising the Seventies, Edinburgh University, Keynote conversation
2017 Science Museum, London
2017 Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
2017 College Arts Association, New York
2015 Society for Photographic Education, New Orleans
1996 London, Frontlines/Backyards
1994 Banff, Canada, Canadian Curators Conference
1994 Salford, LITTORAL
1994 Tate, St Ives, Southern Band Touring Exhibitions
1994 London, Critical Practices
1994 UC Riverside, CA, Photography & the Photographic
1993 London, Visual Arts Galleries Association
1993 Bristol, National Photography Conference
1993 Rochester, ORACLE XI (Photo Curators)
1993 Wolverhampton, National Association of Gallery Educators
1993 Vancouver, Western Canada Arts Association
1993 London, Art history, Tate Gallery
1992 Rotterdam, Photography Biennial, Curators meeting
1992 Nottingham, Critical Theory, University of Nottingham
1992 Brisbane, SHIFT, Institute of Modern Art
1992 Chicago, College Arts Association
1992 Washington, Society for Photographic Education
1991 Toronto, Desh Pardesh (South Asian Cultural Festival)
1991 Birmingham, Altered Images (HIV & Representation)
1991 London, Censorship / Contemporary Arts Fair
1991 London, Visible Difference. ICA
1991 San Francisco, Outwrite
1990 New York, College Arts Association
1990 Newcastle, Photography in Europe 1992
1989 Salford, National Photography Conference
1989 London, Changing Identities
1988 Houston, Society for Photographic Education