Trenton Rannow
I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. Like most young gay teens I couldnt wait to get the hell out. I moved to California at the age of 19 with the pursue of freedom and acceptance. I quickly fell into a drug scene full of lies, fear and darkness. I decided that I need to move closer to home so I made Chicago my next stop. I lived here for 7 years, Drugs werent any harder to find and sex was everywhere. In 2016 I contracted the HIV virus. Trying every coping skill possible, i picked up a brush one day. The emotion I could express through art was so therapeutic. I have raised thousands of dollars for ARCW in Wisconsin and have decided to pursue art full time. This is my purpose. This is my voice
Creating piece that show emotion, honesty, and help unify everyone. I like to embody inspiration from the past to show a brighter fututre