Hey! Intuitive, merry, articulate, curious, conscious, queer, lover, writer, creator, experiencing, shared, vibration. I get to the serious by focusing on the SILLY.
I aspire to make beautiful art that blends genres and blurs the boundaries of documentary, conceptual and performance art, and experimental visual ethnography. Graduated in 2014 from UNC- Chapel Hill with degrees in cultural anthropology and media/production.
My dream is to make sound and video based work that encapsulates this experience in a beautiful, creative and unique way so that it can be shared and made available to people everywhere. As I have learned from doing field research on spiritual communities, queer communities, marginalized and underrepresented communities around the united states I have learned that one of my true passions and gifts to life is communicating with people, helping make a positive change in the world, and spreading that love through different mediums.
I seek to spread understanding and love through viral illumination. My work deals the process of alchemizing fear into love, and the intersection of defining “viral” with transmissions through psychic waves, WiFi, and bodies. I aspire to make art the blends genres and blurs the boundaries of documentary, conceptual and performance art, and experimental visual ethnography. I work with video, embroidery, sculpture, photography, installation, sound, and writing to engage in familiar ways while emphasizing the shared strangeness of human existence. I transmute through my own embodied experience to raise the collective vibration about stigma, ignorance and fear associated with HIV/AIDS and misunderstandings of separation from all things. My creations are magic spells transcending and connected to my migration from the politically contentious, physically dangerous, ignorant South. I am a renegade member of the family of light, available for altering systems of consciousness within the free will universe living as a POZ Southern Greek cis faerie faggot in Los Angeles, CA.
Lived and embodied Southern identity with a universal heart. I want to shock people into extreme love and beauty.
Raising the collective vibration about stigma and fear associated with HIV/ AIDS through art is my calling and my work is a reflection of my transmutation.
I have begun mixing mediums. Incorporating sculpture, photography, video, sound, writing, collage, animation, and embroidery. I have a lot of goals and dreams and I am glad to fight the stigma related to HIV and AIDS, rise through my old fears, transmute negativity and fear through my art, and share with the world.