Vincent Chevalier (b. 1983) hails from Montreal, Quebec and has exhibited across Canada, the USA, and Europe. He lives in Toronto.
For more, please visit www.vincentchevalier.ca
Vincent Chevalier is an artist who melds autobiography, documentary research, and appropriated media to construct uncanny works on screen. This practice has roots in his earliest experiments with performance and video. Known for his videos and digital interventions, these projects constitute an autoethnographic study of AIDS and queer sexuality as they relate to personal narratives and larger social, political, and historical contexts.
For more, please visit www.vincentchevalier.ca
À Vancouver, 2016, HD, Colour, Stereo, 34’50” [Canada Council for the Arts: Media Arts Research/Creation 2015]
- Western Front, May 6, 2017 (upcoming)
- Fragile, Gallery 101, group exhibition, Ottawa, ON, (Curator: Salomé Viguier) Nov-Dec. 2016
- Dying In Public, Cinecycle/Vtape, Toronto, ON, (Curator: Kegan McFadden) Oct. 27, 2016
- Drain Magazine Launch, Typology/Critical Distance Gallery, Toronto, ON, (Curator/Editor: Ricky Varghese) Sept. 7, 2016
Breeden, 2014, HD, Colour, Stereo, 20’ [OAC Media Arts Emerging Grant 2014]
- Dirty Looks Festival, New York, NY, (Curator: Theodore Kerr) Jul. 2015
- Distributor’s Screening: Vtape, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen, DE, May. 2015
- Little Joe Presents…, NYC Porn Film Festival, New York, NY, (Curator: Sam Ashby), Feb. 2015
- sidewalkscreening.mov, Whippersnapper / Pleasuredome / Buddies In Bad Times, Toronto, ON, Jan. 2015
- Your Nostalgia Is Killing Me!, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (Curator: José Da Silva), Nov. 2014
- White Water Gallery, North Bay, ON, Aug. 2014
COVER, 2010, HD, Color, Stereo, 6’01”
- Love is like the Weather, Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts Centre, Sackville, NB (Curator: coral short), Jul. 2014
- Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, Mar. 2013
- What's Up Vienna/What's Up Montreal Festival, Vienna, Austria, May 2011
- Combine, group exhibition, FOFA Gallery, Montreal QC, Nov. 2010
So… When Did You Figure Out That You Had AIDS?, 2010, SD, Color, Stereo, 5’36”
- One day this kid will get larger, DePaul Art Museum, Chicago, IL, (Curator: Danny Orendorff), Jan. 26 to Apr. 2, 2017.
- AIDS - Based on a True Story. Images +++ Media +++ Art, Deutches-Hygiene Museum, Dresden, DE. (Curator: Vladimir Cajkovac.) Sep. 5, 2015 to Feb. 21, 2016.
- Still Not Over It: 70 Years of Queer Canadian Film. Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Vancouver, BC, Aug. 2015.
- Curatorial Incubator v.12: Bad Timing. V-tape, Toronto, ON (Curator: Adam Barbu), Feb. 2015.
- Your Nostalgia Is Killing Me!, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (Curator: José Da Silva), 2014
- NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS, La Mama Galleria, New York, NY (Curators: Sur Rodney & Kris Nuzzi), Jul. 2013
- again + again, Platform Gallery, Winnipeg, MB (Curator: Tom Kohut), Feb. 2012
- Lest interview annul a want / That image satisfies, Struts & Faucet Media Arts Centre, Sackville, NB (Curator: Jessica MacCormack), Jul. 2012
- Copenhagen Queer Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark, (Curator: Florence S. Larose), Aug. 2011
- Maplechasers, Centre for Contemporary Art (w/ Bildweschel Glasgow), Glasgow UK (Curator: coral short), Nov. 2010
VTape – [International, Non-exclusive]
Propped, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, ON, (Curator: Gabby Moser) [G] (UPCOMING)
One day this kid will get larger, DePaul Art Museum, Chicago, IL, (Curator: Danny Orendorff) [G]
Fragile, Gallery 101, Ottawa, ON, (Curator: Salomé Viguier) Nov-Dec. 2016 [G]
From Screen to screen, Gas Station Art Centre, Winnipeg, MB. (Curator: Kegan McFadden.) [G]
AIDS - Based on a True Story. Images +++ Media +++ Art, Deutches-Hygiene Museum, Dresden, DE. (Curator: Vladimir Cajkovac) [G]
A minimal doubt, Videofag, Toronto, ON (Trio w/ Shan Kelley and Andrew McPhail; Curator: Adam Barbu) [G]
POP Life, POP Quarters (ARTPOP Montreal), Montreal, QC (Curator: Mohammed Rezaei) [G]
De la part des vaincus, Galerie RDV, Nantes, France (Curators: Virginie Jourdain, Florence S. Larose, Libby Shea) [G]
Ephemera As Evidence, La Mama Galleria, New York, NY (Curators: Joshua Lubin-Levy and Ricardo Montez) [G]
NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS, La Mama Galleria, New York, NY (Curators: Sur Rodney Sur and Kris Nuzzi) [G]
ABC:MTL, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal QC [G]
Survive.Resist, CAFKA.11, Kitchener ON [P]
Lung Capacity, Artspace, Peterborough ON (Trio w/ Andrew McPhail and Lisa Lipton) [G]
Public, Artsweek (Artspace), Peterborough ON [P]
Down the Rabbit Hole, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal QC [G]
through you we see ourselves, VAV Gallery, Montreal QC [S]
Now What?, VAV Gallery, Montreal QC [G]
Line, Image, Text, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal QC (w/ Michelle Lacombe and Sheena Hoszko) [P]
Combine, group exhibition, FOFA Gallery, Montreal QC [G]
Nostalgies du présent, CIRCA, Montreal QC [G]
Sight & Sound Festival, Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC [G]
Alternorthern, The Lab, San Francisco CA [G]
inter– Exhibition, VAV Gallery, Montreal QC [G]
Body Break, Red Bird Gallery, Montreal QC (Duo w/ David Whitten) [S]
ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, Kuopio, Finland [P]
BFA. Intermedia/Cyberarts, Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. 2011.
Acting, National Theatre School of Canada, Montreal QC. 2005.
Research/Creation Grant: Media Arts (Emerging), Canada Council for the Arts
Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency, Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto, ON
Travel Grant for Media Arts Professionals, Canada Council for the Arts
Media Arts: Emerging Artist Grant, Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
Artist’s Materials Grant, Visual AIDS, New York NY
Ken Lum Master Class Residency, Banff Centre, Banff AB
Travel Grant, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ)
Fine Arts Reading Room Artist in Residence, Concordia University
Concordia Fine Arts Student Association Special Projects Grant, Concordia University
Undergraduate International Travel Grant, Concordia University
Peter Dwyre Award for Excellence in the Arts Award, Canada Council for the Arts
tell me all the f**ks you give about @boringart in 140 char or less, window, Winnipeg MB (Curator Kegan McFadden)
Your Nostalgia Is Killing Me / AIDS ACTION NOW: Postervirus, Toronto ON; San Francisco, CA; New York, NY, (w/Ian Bradley-Perrin; poster design installed in public space)
Insert Monologue Re: My Youth, Drugs & SSRIs, HIV/AIDS, Angels in America, That Time Tilda Swinton Hugged Me Buddies In Bad Times, Toronto, ON (Rhubarb Festival)
The Friend, i want you magazine, (Photos w/ Jason Gowans @ www.iwantyoumagazine.com/gowans-and-chevalier)
Places Where I’ve Fuck’d (PWIF’d), various locations, (A blog reporting my sexual activities / www.pwifd.tumblr.com)
PosterVirus Launch. Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto ON
Guest Lecturer, Ryerson University (invited by Ger Zielinski), Toronto ON
My Best Friend’s Bedding, Why We Remember Conference, McGill University, Montreal QC
Guest Lecturer, Concordia University (invited by Mikhel Proulx)
Your Nostalgia Is Killing Me!, New York Public Library, New York, NY (Organized by Visual AIDS w/ Ian Bradley-Perrin, Avram Finkelstein, John Weir, Pato Hebert)
PWIF’d : Public program presentation, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal QC (ABC:MTL w/ Ryan Conrad)
Networked Performativity: Systems, Platforms & Identity, Eastern Bloc, Montreal QC (Sight & Sound Festival w/ Michelle Lacombe, Jennifer Chan, Emilie Gervais, Heather Dewey-Hagborg)
Guest Lecturer, Concordia University (invited by Prof. Erin Silver)
Artist talk, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal QC (Down the Rabbit Hole)
Artist Talk, San Francisco State University, San Francisco CA (Alternorthern)
Media Arts Coordinator, Artspace, Peterborough ON, 2012-2015.
Board member, Le Labo, Toronto ON, 2013-2014.
Board member, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal QC, 2011-2012.
Audio Video Technician, Intermedia/Cyberarts Department. Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. 2010-2011.
Studio Monitor, Studio Arts Department, Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. 2009-2010
Programming committee member, Eastern Bloc Gallery, Montreal QC, 2010-11.
“À Vancouver.” Drain Magazine: AIDS and Memory. Edited by Ricky Varghese.Vol. 13:2, 2016
#fgt, 2014. [self-published zine]
"Places Where I've Fuck'd." in No More Potlucks: Record. Issue 22. July/Aug. 2012.
Udy, Dan. “What do we mean by AIDS Art?” Art Review (web). Summer 2016.
Davies, Jon and Mark Clintberg. “On Frottage and Other Queer Feelings.” No More Potlucks 44 (web). May 2016.
Sur Rodney Sur. “Activism, AIDS, Art, and the Institution.” Art AIDS America. Tacoma Art Museum. Seattle, Washington. 2015
Barbu, Adam. “From Explication To Doubt: Curating HIV/AIDS Today.” The Visual AIDS Blog (web). Aug. 31, 2015.
Varghese, Ricky. “Living in the Future Anterior: Trauma and Autobiography in the Work of Vincent Chevalier and Francisco-Fernando Granados.” Reconstruction, Vol. 15, No. 1 (web), Mar. 31, 2015.
Chaykowski, Natasha, sidewalkscreening.mov, sidewalkscreening.com (web). Jan. 2015.
Varghese, Ricky. “The Time of Camp, or, Camp as Ruin: Vincent Chevalier, the Portrait of a Young Man as an Artist.” Pop/Corn, Word Hoard, Vol. 1, Iss. 3, University of Western Ontario. Jan. 2015.
Simmons, Xaviera. “Inching Towards A Contemporary Vision?” We Who Feel Differently, Issue 3. (web) Fall 2014.
Clintberg, Mark. “Kidnapping the Canon, and Other Stories: Witte de With, Rotterdam May 22 to August 17, 2014.” Canadian Art (web). Jul. 16, 2014.
Juhasz, Alexandra & Theodore Kerr. “Home Video Returns: Media Ecologies of the Past of HIV/AIDS.” Cineaste (web). 2014.
Straube, Trenton. “Meet the New AIDS Poster Child.” POZ Magazine. Jun. 2014.
Liss, Sarah. “The second coming of AIDS.” The Grid TO. Nov. 28, 2013.
Visual AIDS. “As We Canonize Certain Producers Of Culture We Are Closing Space For A Complication Of Narratives.” The Visual AIDS Blog (web). Dec. 10, 2013.
Henry, Joseph. "Essay: Sex in Public – Streetview and Vincent Chevalier’s PWIF’d at the Canadian Centre for Architecture." M-KOS (web). July 1, 2013.
Willard, Jeremy. "Rhubarb Roundup." Fab Magazine. Feb. 20, 2013.
Henry, Joseph. “The cyberqueer art of Vincent Chevalier." The McGill Daily. Oct. 4, 2012.
Thibault, Simon. "The fine art of Vincent Chevalier: An expanded narrative of disclosure." Xtra.ca (web). Apr. 12, 2012.
Harris, Mark Ambrose. "From hanky tattoos to HIV disclosures, artist Vincent Chevalier cracks the queer codes." Nightlife.ca (web). Nov. 12, 2011.
Steele, April. "Lung Capacity: Andrew McPhail, Vincent Chevalier and Lisa Lipton." Magenta Magazine. Oct. 25, 2011.
Sandals, Leah. "Fame by the foot." The National Post. Sept. 22, 2011.
DeWolfe, Stacey. "Conceptual Tattoos." Montreal Mirror. Montreal QC. Feb. 3, 2011.
Baker, Cindy. "The History of the Queer Crop Code: Symbology in the Settlement Era." No More Potlucks 11 (web). Sep. 2010.
Provenzano, Jim. "The Man Show." The Bay Area Reporter Online. San Francisco, CA, February 25 2010.
Cole, Helen. "Walkers Re-Write the City." RealTime. Sydney, Australia, 95, Feb-March 2010, 19.
Heinanen, Kaisa. "Performanssi väijyy kulman takaa." Helsingin Sanomat. Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 26, 2009.
Niiranen, Pekka . YLE News. Helsinki, Finland. Sept. 24, 2009.
Stuart, Jasia. "The Good Kind of Disgust." Midnight Poutine Blog (web). Montreal QC, Jul. 24, 2009.
Dewolfe, Stacey. "Art meets AIDS." Montreal Mirror. Montreal QC, Apr. 2, 2009.
Seraphin. "Facing The Fear of Fear." Toronto Xtra. Toronto ON, Aug. 3, 2006.