William M. Wood III was born in 1972 in Reading, Pa. William's parents moved to Wytheville, VA when he was 2. He went to boarding school in 9th through 12th grades at The Asheville School in Asheville, NC. He received a B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin in 1997.
He has spent time studying art -- including ceramics, drawing, photography, and painting -- at schools and workshops around the country. These include the University of Virginia, Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, Ocean County College in New Jersey, Haystack School of the Arts in Maine, Penland School of the Arts in North Carolina, Bluefield College in Virginia, Fat Cat Pottery in Wilmington, NC and an internship with fashion and beauty photographer Grey Scott in Manhattan, New York City.
William currently resides in West Lawn now and is making art, entering shows, and seeking opportunities to exhibit .
My art is concerned with three basic elements. The first is the Formalist element.Color and composition are foremost among these.
The second is the process element.My process is informed by a practice of mindfulness and contemplation.Each piece I make is a record of my emotions and thoughts.The use of the dots has become therapy for my mind and a vehicle for my mental health as well as a technique for making my work.
The third element is the philosophical content.Each painting starts with a verbal idea or question, centered around the concepts of the universe.The series title, taken from the first painting in the group is, "Do you think of the edges of the Universe?"This series looks outward into the Universe and seeks ways to visually represent the things which can only be guessed at by the intersection of science, philosophy, and imagination.
William M. Wood III
1519 Durwood Dr., West Lawn, PA, 19609
(484) 797-2233
Selected Shows and Events:
2015 August Berks Art Association Show --Waves of the Universe Always Rushing Towards the Void
2015 March Received Visual Aids Art Grant for art supplies
2015 Donated "A Moment Before" to The Center for Public Health at Reading Hospital in Reading, PA
2014 Frozen Series IFAC Zen Gallery Photography Solo Show -- Frozen Series
2014 Selfie Show Detroit Museum of New Art
2003 Bird of Pray Southport national Ceramics Show
2003 Patchwork Pitcher Azalea Festival Arts Show
Kutztown University, Pa -- 2012 – 2013
Studied Creative Writing, Photography, Drawing, and Painting
Reading Area Community College 2010 -2011
Studied Drawing and Creative Writing
Grey Scott Photography Studio, New York City, NY June – August 2008
Ocean County College, Nj -- Studied Photography, Drawing, and Painting 2006 – 2008
Penland School of Arts and Crafts June 2004 Ceramics Workshop No.1
Instructors: McKenzie Smith and Jeannette Wakowski
Penland School of Arts and Crafts August 2004
Ceramics Workshop No.2
Instructor: James Watkins
Haystack School of Arts and Crafts June 2006
Ceramics Workshop
Instructor: Nick Joerling
Fat Cat Pottery 2000 –2003
Studio Assistant and Basic Pottery Instructor
Mary and Sonny Holden-Hall, Master Potters
University of Texas 1995 – 1997
B.A. in Psychology; Minor in Philosophy
Blluefield College – 1994-1995
Studied Psychology and Drawing
University of Virginia – Studied Art History, English,and Drawing 1990 –1992