Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over.

"There were conflicting responses to AIDS when it hit. Fear. Blame. Homophobia. Guilt. Denial. A sense of doom. There were also heartwarming offers of care, often from strangers. Quilts. Ribbons. Memorials. Banding together. And running away. Some who were sick withdrew, some partied. Some said good bye and tidied things up, some maxed their cards and danced. Some got sicker and sicker while friends either vanished or attended, and wept. Some took their lives alone or with the help of others who hated what they were asked to do. Confusion. Despair. Hope. Anger. Activism. Protest. Exhaustion. Enormous sadness. It was a very hard time, when we learned a lot about truth and love. Thank god for the art." Philip Yenawine
Browse Work In The Artist Registry

Community Knowledge Practice: A Portfolio

Guest editor Theodore Kerr presents a portfolio documenting three recent examples of community knowledge practice—conversations that reshape historical narratives by leveling the playing field between scholars, community members, and knowledge bearers. → Read More

Walker Reader: Because AIDS Is Not Over

Visual AIDS is proud to partner with the Walker Art Center's digital publishing platform to present "Because AIDS Is Not Over," a series examining artists living with HIV from the 1980s through today. → Read More

Call for Research Proposals

Visual AIDS announces the third year of our research fellowship program, which supports original writing and scholarship about artists who have been lost to AIDS. Deadline: June 18, 2024 → Read More
Events Calendar

Founded in 1988, Visual AIDS is the only arts organization fully committed to raising AIDS awareness and creating dialogue around HIV issues today, by producing and presenting visual art projects, exhibitions, public forums and publications - while assisting artists living with HIV/AIDS. We are committed to preserving and honoring the work of artists with HIV/AIDS and the artistic contributions of the AIDS movement.


Kyle Croft
Executive Director

Shawn Escarciga
Development Director

Blake Paskal
Programs Manager

Jacs Rodriguez
Community Archivist

Board of Directors

Marguerite Van Cook, President

Wendy Olsoff, Vice President

Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Treasurer

Dr. Daniel S. Berger

Antonio Sergio Bessa

Nayland Blake

Jim Hodges

Marques McClary