
Vladimir Cajkovac at the VA office

Meet Vladimir Cajkovac. He is a curator from Zagreb Croatia, and he is the first Visual AIDS Curator in Residence, a program we are doing with Residency Unlimited.

Vladimir is in New York for the month of February. He will be going through the Visual AIDS Archive, working through the Artist Registry, and meeting with artists.

He is interested in exploring the street, and the role it played, and plays in bringing art and activism together in response to HIV. As he says:

I would like to use the opportunity to witness and (re)-visit the places where events occurred and to research how AIDS is still present in the language of the street. What are the implications of treatment? Has the epidemic lost its symbolical charge? Is there any relations with contemporary activist movements? Is AIDS on the agenda at all?

As part of his residency Vladimir will be part of a public program through Visual AIDS and Residency Unlimited, he will create a web gallery, and he will be working towards a long term project.

If you see Vladimir on the street, say HI and talk to him about art, AIDS, and activism.