Past Event
Play Smart Together: A Series of Talks & Teach-Ins
Community Condom Packing & Artist Talks
In conjunction with the latest Play Smart trading cards, Visual AIDS hosted a series of artists' talks, teach-ins, and condom packing parties designed to bring together a diverse group of communities to share stories, talk about creative outlets, and learn more on current issues around HIV/AIDS, all in a safe and open environment.
See links below for details on recent Play Smart events.
Play Smart is Visual AIDS' ongoing honest and straightforward approach to promote harm reduction, HIV testing, PEP & PrEP and other timely issues around sex, health and HIV/AIDS. Play Smart trading cards features original artwork by diverse artists across the HIV spectrum, and is packed with condoms and lube to be distributed nationally. Play Smart is another way Visual AIDS uses art to engage, provoke and inform.
The fourth edition of Play Smart featured artists Benjamin Fredrickson, Jayson Keeling, Silvia Prada, Carmine Santaniello. Each artist created their own artwork, and also collaborated on an image together; Fredrickson and Prada combined their photograph and drawing styles, while Keeling and Santaniello created a powerful silkscreen image. For this series, Visual AIDS worked with Sero Project and Streetwise & Safe to provide information on the back of each card on current topics such as HIV criminalization, treatment as prevention (PEP & PrEP), HIV testing, and the unjustly use of condoms as evidence. There is also a fun "mad libs" game card that people can play together.
If you would like to distribute Play Smart at your organization or event, please contact Ted Kerr at for more info.
Learn more about previous editions of Play Smart here.