Past Event
Postcards from the Edge 2021
Sale will run January 9-15

Postcards from the Edge is Visual AIDS’ most popular and successful annual benefit event. It is not only a highlight of the art world each year for artists and collectors, but also provides essential funding to help us carry out our mission and programming.
Thank you to all of the artists and collectors who made our first VIRTUAL Postcards from the Edge a huge success!
We received 1,069 artworks submitted from 25 countries. From here in the U.S. we received submissions from 38 states + the District of Columbia.
We sold over 700 artworks in the first two hours of the sale on Saturday morning, with a total of 1,004 artworks sold.
The Visual AIDS staff shipped over 500 separate orders!
John Abrahante, Gabriela Abud, Thomas Acevedo, Pamela Acheson Myers, Alexander Ad, Steven Adler-Golden, Miri Admoni, Sahar Al-Sawaf, Courtney Alan, Michelangelo Alasa, Julie Albert, Norman Alcantara, Kristina Aleksandrouska, Dominic Alleluia, Renate Aller, Pia Alsén, Cynthia Alvarez, Bino Alves, Luis Alves, Cindy Alviar, David Ambrose, Kiley Ames, Paul Anagnostopoulos, William Anastasi, Jenelle Andersen, Matthew Anderson, Patrick Anderson-McQuoid, Stephen Andrews, Tania Ansio, Polly Apfelbaum, Rosaire Appel, Ida Applebroog, Karen Arm, Nancy Arms, Dianne Athey, Leslie Atkins, Dotty Attie, Julie Ault, Samantha Axelrod, Aziz and Cucher, Leilah Babirye, K. Linnea Backe, Donald Baechler, Adam Baer, Felipe Baeza, Gerard Barbot, Paula Barr, Rolando Chang Barrero, Miguel Barros, Emily Bartolone, Morgan Bassichis, Nicholas Battis, Leslie Baum, Jennifer Baumann, Allan Bealy, Mark Beard, Matthew Bede Murphy, Sheri Lynn Behr, Wayne Bennett, Kathleen Benton, Aidana Bergaliyeva, Jonathan Berger, Gregory Bergeron, Katherine Bernhardt, Herman Bernstein, Chris Berntsen, Matthew Bessell, Stephen Beveridge, Tom Bianchi, Melinda Billings, Lu Rose Biltucci, Sergio Bitici, Rhona Bitner, Nancy Blair, Emily Blake, Mikes Bliss, Caroline Blum, Chelsea Bodesinsky, Kelly Boehmer, Chris Bogia, Madeline Bohrer, Doug Boney, Lynda Lea Bonkemeyer, Chakaia Booker, George Boorujy, Ghislaine Boreel, Nina Bovasso, P Bowman, Paula Boyd Farrington, Katherine Bradford, Dove Bradshaw, Michelle Bratsafolis, Norbert Briar, Sadie Bridger, Mitsuko Brooks, Jonathan Brooks, Nancy Brooks Brody, Brice Brown, Patrick N. Brown, Nancee Brown, Matthias O. Bruce, Richard Bruce, Ava Buccino, Robert Buck, L. Buckley, Gary Bulwicz, Ernesto Burgos, Helen Burgoyne, Jessica Burke, Kathe Burkhart, Amy Burns, Nancy Burson, Steve Butcher, Karen Butcher, Caroline Butler, Ira Byelick, Noel Caban, Peter Calderon, James Callahan, Kit Callahan, Sherry Camhy, Suzanne Caporael, Maria Cappelletto, Mike Caputo, Luis Carle, Joel Carlson, Curtis B. Carman, Jay Carnegie Muir, Claude-Marie Caron, Emily Carpenter, Maya Carpenter, Ava Caruso, Jandy A. Carvajal, Enrique Castrejon, John Castrogiovanni, Janice Caswell, Kathleen S. Catanese, Mimmo Catania, Fabrice Cazenave, Paul Centrone, Corinne Chaix, Michael Chandler, Temmy Chang, Victoria H. Chang, Khalil Charif, Michelle Charles, Marc Cheetham, Marcy Chevali, Marina Chistyakova, Joan Chiverton, Patricia Chow, Christeene, Vincent Cianni, Stephen Cimini, Marion Cloaninger, Charles Cohen, Raphaele Cohen-Bacry, Lucille Colin, Christine Collado, Liz Collins, Cindy Colon, Greg Colson, Michael Conlan, Ruth Conner, Milt Connors, Matt Connors, Siân Cook, Marcia Cooper, Pam Cooper, Vee Corallo, Anne Corrsin, Marianne Coughlin, Ingrid Coughlin, Julia Couzens, Stephen Cox, Emma Coyle, Jenni Crain, Peter Cramer, Fred Cray, Kyle Croft, Pál Csaba, Rodney Cuellar, Ben Cuevas, Robert Culicover, James Cullinane, Colleen Cunningham, Jeliane Curtis, Vincent D'Anata, Olivia D'Antonio, Dorie Dahlberg, Erin S. Daily, Robin Dann, Marco DaSilva, Moyra Davey, Robert Davis, Zekio Dawson, Marguerite Day, Patrick De Gastro, Monika de Vries, Marianne DeAngelis, Death Under Glass, Blase DeCelestino, Elisa Decker, Gloria DeFilipps Brush, Beth Della Rocoo, Claudia DeMonte, Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Robert DeRosa, Alexander Deschamps, Jane Waggoner Deschner, Alexandria Deters, Brian Dettmer, Hannah DeVita, Jennifer DeWald, Uday Dhar, Cathy Diamond, Shari Diamond, Mike Diana, Gustavo "El Gus" Diaz, James Diffin, Purnell Diggs, Simone Dilaura, Lesley Dill, George Dinhaupt, Elle DioGuardi, Philippe Divine, Laura Dodson, LaTefy Dolley, Jeannette Doné-Lagemann, Elissa Dorfman, John Douglas, Michael Doyle, Kirsten Doyle, JD Dragan, Mary Louise Driscoll, Abby DuBow, Ivan Dudnik, Gary Duehr, Nicholas Duers, Ryan Dunn, Knock Knock Duo, Alexis Duque, Sam Durant, Chad Durgan, Jordan Eagles, Karen Eberle, Emmanuel Echter, Magali E. Echter, Martha Edelheit, Ricky Edin, Roberto Ekholm, Kokou Ekouagou, Alysa-Beth Engel,Thomas Engelhart, Joy Episalla, Mitch Epstein, Patricia Erbelding, Sam Erenberg, Noah Erenberg, Robert Escalera, Franklin Evans, Emily Eveleth, Alessandra Exposito, Ria Vanden Eynde, Ute Faber, James K. Fackrell, James Falciano, Emma Fanning, Alyssa Fanning, Nadine Faraj, Neil Farber, Amy Faris, Adriana Farmiga, Pete Farrell, Samuel Farrier, Felicity Faulkner, Nicholas Fedak III, Michael D. Fellows, Elise Ferguson, Brendan Fernandes, Neil Fernando, Thomas Fernez, Clara Fialho, Luc Fierens, Hannah Fink, KP Finley, Louise Fishman, Elise Fischer, Nicola Fitzgerald, Coleen Fitzgibbon, John Fitzsimmons, Christopher Flach, Lola Flash, Pamela Flynn, Robert Flynt, Iuliana Foghis, Howard Fonda, Emma Fonseca, Robert Fontanelli, Jean Foos, Craig Ford, Christina Forrer, Danielle Forte, Julian Foster, Adam Fowler, Ginny Fox, Francine Fox, Maria Fragoudaki, Allen Frame, Carlos Franklin, Louis Fratino, Benjamin Fredrickson, Irwin Freeman, Martin E. Freeman, Timothy French, Melissa Frost, Sheva Fruitman, Steven Fujimoto, Mitsu Fukushima, Jeffrey Gagnon, Marie Gagnon, Stephen Galiczynski, William Galiczynski, Sean Paul Gallegos, Oscar Gallegos Zamora, Osmani Garcia, Marcus K. Garcia, Milton Garcia Ninja, Joy Garnett, Anna Gaurrat, Chad Gay Gehojo, Andrea Geller, Stephen Gemberling, Mildred Grace German,Trish Gianakis, Cris Gianakos, Alexandora Gildersleeve, Tracy Gilman, Rae Gilson, Eric Ginsburg, Andrew Ginzel, Ann Giordano, Daniel Marcellus Givens, Judy Glantzman, Luminița Gliga, Camilo Godoy, Jo Going, Jerome Goldberg, Larry Mark Goldblatt, Kenneth Sean Golden, Kevin Golden, Rory Golden, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Carlos Gonzalez, JP Gonzalez Torres, Theresa Gooby, Brenda Goodman, Joe Goodwin, Monique A. Gordon, ...grafik 2.1, Jeff Grant, Aiden Grayson, Zach Grear, Erin Greatorex, Joanne Greenbaum, Kate Greenberg, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Kris Grey, Elizabeth Gross, David Gross, Lois Gruberger, Magalie Guérin, Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Hans Haacke, Patricia Haemmerle, Richard Haines, Dan Halm, Sandra Hamburg, Irma Hameri, Chris Hamilton, Ann Hamilton, Paul Hammacott, Harmony Hammond, Jane Hammond, Michelle Handelman, John Hanning, Erik Hanson, Philip Hare, Leah Harper, Sherry Harradance, Michele Harris, Howard Harris, John Harris, Emily Harrison-Ach, David Hart, David Greg Harth, Edgar Hartley, J. Hartz, Michael Harwood, Beth Harwood, Jacob Hashimoto, Laura Hatry, Heide Hatry, Carmen Hay Kolodzey, Toru Hayashi, Karen Heagle, Brian Healey, Conrad Hechter, Mandred Heinze, Linda Heller, Neddi Heller, David L. Hendershot, Camille Henrot, Ed Herman, Matthias Herrmann, Barbara Hertel, Bryan Hillstrom, Juan Hinojosa, Pamela Hird Klein, Jim Hodges, Laurence Hofmann, Diane Holmes, Margaret Honda, Neil R. Hoos, Horea, James Horner, Joel Hoyer, Sandria Hu, Keryn Huang, Ceri Hughes, Kate Huh, David Humphrey, Scott Hunt, River Huston, G. Brian Hutchinson, Daria Iaconi, Perry Iannaconi Jr., IMH, Damian Iordanov, Johnny Irizarry, Chloe Irla, Sandra Jackman, James Jaxxa, Bill Jensen, David Jester, Tom Jezek, Gladys Jiminez, Richard Jochum, Will Johnson, Nikki Johnson, Don Joint, Sal Jones, Constantine Jones, Heather Jones, Denise Jones Adler, Svetlana Jovanovic, Julia Justo, BC Kagan, Konstantin Kakanias, Austin "Saltshaker" Kamenz, Joyce Kaplan, Jason Karolak, Kel R. Karpinski, Elaine Karton, Deborah Kass, Dionisios Kavvadias, Janusz Kawa, Naomi Kawanishi Reis, Levant Kayayalim, John Carlos Keasler, Margie Kelk, David Kelley, Timothy Kelly, John Kelly, Julie Kent, Brian G. Keogh, Leslie Kerby, Lisa Kereszi, Matthias Kern, Karen Kertesz-Sklar, Linda Kessler, Peter J. Ketchum, Michael Keufterian, Yong Hee Kim, Joel Kincaid, Gale Kiniry, Sayuri Kirikihara, Joe Klaus, Tom Klem, Elizabeth Kley, Ria Kmeťová, Lucretia Knapp, Kung Ko, Michael Koch, Nolan Kocsi, Wayne Koestenbaum, Tom Koken, Daniel Kong, Jared Konopitski, Joel Koos, Ann Kopka, John-Michael Korpal, Tzvetanka Koykova, Dariya Kozhasbay, Joyce Kozloff, Aaron Krach, Merrill Kramer, Bernice Sokol Kramer, Line Kramer, Gina Kropf, DG Krueger, Kulov, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Carole Kunstadt, Abbey Kurmel, Helene Kusnitz, Adriana Nimani Kutllovci, Viona Kutllovci, Helena La Rota López, Stephen Lack, Pheral Lamb, M P Landis, Doron Langberg, James Langford, Joseph Lapiana, Kent Lau, Joseph Laurro, Louise Lawler, Le, Adrienne Leban, Hayoon Jay Lee, Paul Lee, Kang Seung Lee, Sophia Lee, Michael Lee, Gina Lee Robbins, Alicia Leeke, Shao Lei, Cary Leibowitz, Wendy Hope Leiser, Jonathan Leiter, Nancer LeMoins, Daniel Leone, Paul Leroy Gehres, Barbara E. Leven, Jane Levy, Lisa Levy, Heather Levy-Dick, Siobhan Liddell, Bill Liebeskind, Edward Lightner, Stella Lillig, Ping Lin, Jane Lincoln, Julie Lindell, Brett Lindell, Karen Lindsay, Markus Linnenbrink, Elliott Linwood, Stephen Lipman, Sandra Lippmann, Elizabeth Livingston, Vincent Llalia, Luis Locarno, Alisha Lock, Alexandra Loewe, Harold Lohner, Roman Lokati, Nan Lombardi, Robert Longo, Cyriaco Lopes, Roxanne Lorch, Edward Love, James Love Cornwell IV, Kathie Lovett, Emily Lowe, Alexandra Lowenthal, Michael Lownie, Kaitlyn Lu, Laurel Lueders, Andre Lukin, Charles Lum, Eva Lundsager, Vera Lutter, Noah Lyon, Giles Lyon, Cat Lyons, Erik Mace, Ian Mack, David Macke, Keith Maddy, Matthew Mahler, Artimisia Mailarta, Gabriella Maisto, David Malamut, Joe Mama-Nitzberg, Pamela Manché Pearce, Hazel Manheimer, Emily Manning, Katherine Mar, Geary Marcello, Michelle Marchesseault, Tara M. Marchionna, Claire Marcus, Benjamin R. Marcus, Margo Margolis, Chiara Marinai, Franco Marinai, Thom Markee, Norma Markley, Liz Markus, John Marraffino, John Marron, Trevor Martin, Pamela Martin, Susana C. Martin, David J. Martin, Richard Martino, Frank Mastropaolo, Joan Mastropaolo, Tara Mateik, John Matturi, Jen May, Mayo, CL McBeth Collins, Peter McCaffrey, Cathy McCullough, Joyce McDonald, Frank McDonough, Sarah McEneaney, B McGee, Esther McGowan, Lizzie McLaughlin, Mark McLoughlin, Cindy McMath, Doug McNamara, Hugh Medes, Meagan J. Meehan, Julie Mehretu, Brad Melamed, Larissa Melanie, Robert Melee, Caroline Melhannon, Carol Melichar, Judy Mensch, Phyllis Merriam, Victor Merriam, Ann Messner, Lucas Michael, Mid Oak, Marina Miletic, Shanna Miller, Em Miller, Marilyn Minter, Jamie Mirabella, Aidan Mirowsky, Jorge Moncayo, Ivan Monforte, Dexter Montaner, Louise Montgomery, Margaret Montgomery, Ken Montgomery (A.T.M.O.T.W), Chris Moody, Lindsay Moore, Paul Moran, Paul Moreno, Mike Moreno, Robert Morgan, Hugo Moro, Ron Morosan, Rebecca Morris, Leo Morrisey, J. Morrison, Jennifer Morton, Leroy Morvant, Arezoo Moseni, Rick Moss, Catherine Moss, Eva Mueller, Sebastian Mügge, Patrick Mulcahy, k muldoon, Frank Mullaney, Regi Müller, Mark Mulroney, Joanna Murphy, Maria C. Musakka, Karen Musgrave, Scotto Mycklebust, Nick Naber, Edie Nadelhaft, Stefanie Nagorka, Ruben Natal-San Miguel, Irwin Nayman, Scott Neary, Doris Neidl, Ken Nelson, John Newman, Jonah Ng, Hannah Ng, Chau Anh Nguyen, Katie Niewodowski, Jan Nolte, Emily Nomer, Bryan Northup, Chaden Noureddine, Mercedes Nugent-Head, Lillian O'Boyle, Susan Rite O'Brien, Kymberly O'Caroll-Fitzpatrick, Huntero O'Hanian, Alice O’Malley, Robyn O'Neil, K. O'Neill, Ryotaro Ogawa, Helen Oji, Hidir Ok, David Olenick, Suzanne Olmsted, Catherine Opie, Sarah Oppenheimer, Rob Ordonez, Roberto Ordóñez Hoyo, Yuko Otomo, Tom Otterness, Arthur Ou, Joe Ovelman, Tyler Matthew Oyer, Andre Pace, Kristy Pace, Samuel Paden, Arturo Padilla, Starr Page, Dovanna Pagowski, Sachin Pannuri, Christopher Parker, Ivor Parry, David Partridge, Bridget Pavalow, Steven Craig Paxton, Adam Peck, Leanette Peles, Marc Pelletier, Manaure Peñalver, Pamela Penney, Romaine Perin, Sebastian Perinotti, Connie Perry, Gilda Pervin, Rick Petrea, Marc Phares, Hadyn Phillips, Jackson Photografix, Doctor Picturesque, Liana F. Piehler, Claudia Piehler, Jack Pierson, Cristian Pietrapiana, Bethany Pipkin, Gina Pisello, Maja Planinac, Jennife Ponds, Poppers the Pony, Liliana Porter, William Pratt, Mel Prest, Diane Pribojan, Amanda Procaccino, R. Prost, Fitzgerald Providence, Carol Prud'homme Davis, Lina Puerta, Brianna Puorro, Ronnie Queenan, Christina Quintana, Bill Ragals, Anja Freja Ragnfrid, Raúl Ramírez, Debra Ramsay, Carole Randall, Jessica Rankin, Michelle Ranson, Shefali Ranthe, Heather Rasmussen, Seth Rasporich, Mel Rattue, Beverly Rautenberg, Valerie Razavi, Michael (Prospect) Reda, Rob Redding, Rosemary Rednour, Peter Rednour, Lucas Regazzi, Richard Renaldi, Erica Resnick, Monica Rex, K. Rey, Greg Reynolds, Eric Rhein, Anne Richter, Julia Rigby, David Rios Ferreira, Alexander Robateau, Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Dale Roberts, Marie Roberts, Daniel Roberts, LJ Roberts, Cynthia Rojas, G. Roland Biermann, James Romberger, Dan Romer, Chris Romero, Lena Rondi, Julia Rooney, Natalie Rosbottom, Randi Rose, Kay Rosen, Maddy Rosenberg, Bonnie Rosenstock, Edward Rossa, Sheelagh Roth, Arnold Roth, Elizabeth Rothschild, Mary Rouncefield, Willyum Rowe, Dirk Rowntree, Judith Rudnick Kane, Catherine Ruello, Jamila Rufaro, Arlene Rush, Anne Russinof, Veronica Rzaca, Carol Saft, Jess Saldaña, Pep Sales Gabarda, Connie Samaras, Ginny Sampson, Stuart Sandford, Phyllis Sanfiorenzo, Toni-Lee Sangastiano, Carmine Santaniello, Jonathan Santlofer, Nelson Santos, Danielle Savarese, Carol Savopoulos, Tomoko Sawada, Roberto Scala, Peter Schepper, David Schleifer, Gary Schneider, Larry Schulte, Susan Schwalb, Phyllis Schwartz, Greg Seagrave, Anson Seeno, Nelson Segarra, Calvin Seibert, David Selters, Nina Sengenfeld, Harriet Serenkin, Andrew Seto, Jacqueline Sferra Rada, Mary Shah, Melanie Shalam, Ted Shan, M. Sharkey, Donna Sharrett, Timothy Sheaffer, Tim Sheaffer, Kate Shepherd, Shivani, Silky Shoemaker, Rebecca Shore, Ethan Shoshan, Kou Shou, Gabriel J Shuldiner, Rick Shupper, Alexander Si, Robin Siegel, Jerry A. Sierra, Elena Mary Siff, Toni Silber-Delerive, Rea Siochi, Rebecca Skelton, Barbara Slitkin, Louise P. Sloane, Richard Sawdon Smith, Eleni Smolen, Joseph Smolinski, Snappy, Alec Snow, Billy Snyder, Ellen Soffer, Nelson Solis, Jeremy Sonese, Tatiana Sougakova, George Spencer, Matti Kniva Spencer, Jude Spencer, Sigrid Sperzel, Gary Speziale, David Spiker, Michael St. John, Janet Stafford, Johnathan Stangroom, Chris Stanton, Michael Stark, Richard Stauffacher, Deb Steckler, Barry Steely, William Steiger, Laura J. Stein, Stanley Stellar, Ann Steuernagel, Allyn Stewart, Janet Stole, Jill Stoll, David Straange, Giovanni and Renata Stradada, Barbara Stubbs, Lieh Sugai, Sur Rodney Sur, Mia Suyeoka, Vermillion Swan, Marisa Swangha, Darren Swazo, Sweaterqueens , Bob Szantyr, Ramona Szczerba, Tabboo!, Barbara Takenaga, Stephanie Tamez, Therese Tan, Ira Tattelman, Luis Mario Tavales, Charles Tavares, Susan Taverna, Steed Taylor, T. E. Taylor, Mary Temple, Ron Testa, Robin Tewes, Poramit Thantapalit, Thomas Thielemann, David Thomas, Karen Thomas, Jake Thompson, Anna K. Thorsdottir, Marc Tiegel, Susanne Tierney, Lynne Tillman, Zdranko Toic, Ana Tomás Miralles, Betty Tompkins, Fredda Tone, Gerard Torre, Raúl Torres, Boris Torres, Hector Toscano, Basia Tov, George Towne, Steven Tracy Ross, Kenji Troelstrup, Kate True, Christine Tucci, Victor Tulchinsky, Coleen Tyler, Penelope Umbrico, Jennifer Utter, Brian Uy, Nina Uy, Aldrín Valdez, Juliana Vallego, Marc Van Cauwenbergh, Marguerite Van Cook, Connie van Winssen, Isaac VanCuren, Jeff VanDyke, Eduardo Vanzini, Max Vasey, Justin Vasquez, Daniel Venne, Claudia Vess, Karim Vickery, Miguel Villalobos, John Paul Vincent, Kazaan Viveiros, Lisa Vogel, Jennifer Vogt, Don Voisine, Sarah Vollmann, David Vricoli, John Waiblinger, Michael Walden, Sarah Walker, Lee Lee Walker, Kay WalkingStick, Gerry Wall, Kim Wan, Tom Warren, Jack Waters, Patrick Webb, William Wegman, Louise Weinberg, Michelle Weinberg, Lawrence Weiner, Daniel Weiner, Katharine Weiner, Yuko Weiner, Amy Weiskopf, Brian Weissman, Charlie Welch, William Welsch, James Wentzy, Kurt Weston, Nafis White, Forrest Williams, Vernon Williams, Mark Williams, Rita Wilmers, Barbara Jaye Wilson, Trevor Winkfield, Pamela Winters, Claire Witteveeen, Scot J. Wittman. Paul Worhun, Jeffrey Cypress Wright, Kobina Wright, Suzanne Wright, Jimmy Wright, Le'Ana Wright, Rob Wynne, Xiaoyin Xie, Liyu Xue, Lynne Yamamoto, Sato Yamamoto, Carrie Yamaoka, Todd Yeager, Plamen Yordanov, Snejana Yordanova, Laurence Young, Sally Young, Michael Young, Wayne Young, Matin Zad, Pedro Zagitt, Sam Zalutsky, Gloria Zapata, Deborah Zavon, Tony Zaza, John Zazo, Jody Zellen, Joseph Zhai, Ivy Zhang, Thomas Zhuang, Jessica Ziegler, Tamar Zinn, Ethan Zinn, Charlyn Zlotnik, Maura Zukina
Postcards from the Edge 2021 will take place entirely online. All postcard artworks submitted to Visual AIDS will be scanned and photographed. Images of all artworks will be uploaded to a dedicated virtual viewing space. As always with Postcards from the Edge, all artworks will remain anonymous until purchased. To assist collectors with online viewing, we will include information such as title and medium for each work along with high resolution images.
All postcard artworks submitted will be available for viewing online during a “preview” period prior to the public sale, similar to the VIP preview party we have held in past years. Tickets for the VIP Preview are available on a sliding scale from $25-$100 and are available to purchase here. Participating artists will have access to this preview viewing period.
When the sale begins, purchasers will be able to select and pay for artworks via an e-commerce site. Purchased artworks will be mailed to buyers after the event, and a shipping fee will be included with each purchase. Much like a typical Postcards from the Edge event, purchasers will receive information about the artist who created the artwork purchased, along with the artwork. Artists will also be notified of who purchased their works.
The following are guidelines explaining how an online Postcards from the Edge sale will work.
- The sale will take place on a dedicated website -
- All postcard artworks are priced at $85 each. Sales tax and shipping will be added to your purchase. ALL SALES ARE FINAL - NO RETURNS.
- Special: Buy 4, get the 5th artwork free. This special will remain active throughout the entirety of the sale and will be applied automatically when you check out.
- Artworks generally range from 4x6” to 5x7” in size and are in a range of artistic mediums including painting, drawing, photography, collage, and textile, among others. Some works are 3D or have 3D elements, unusual edges or items extending down or out from the surface. Unusual shapes will be noted in the medium description and should be visible in the image.
- All artworks are displayed without the artist’s name, but with information on title and medium. Sizes of artworks will only be noted if they are larger than 5 x 7.”
- Once you link over to the sale website, you will see there are a total of ~1000 works for sale. You will be able to scroll using the arrow on the right of each page to move to the next page. There will be a total of 56 pages of artwork.
- You will be able to click on the artwork image to enlarge it. A “Buy” button will appear when the artwork is enlarged.
- You will only learn the name of the artist after you have purchased the artwork, and that information will be sent to you by Visual AIDS in an email.
- You can purchase as many artworks as you like, at one time or in multiple purchases.
- Items will become unavailable to other shoppers ONLY when your purchase is complete, so if you intend to purchase a large number of artworks, you may wish to make multiple smaller purchases to make sure you can purchase the artworks you select.
- If you hold artworks in your shopping cart for a significant amount of time without purchasing them, they will still be available to other shoppers and may be purchased by someone else.
- Artworks will disappear from the virtual “wall” after they are purchased, but this will not happen immediately. During busy sale times, you may see works that have already been purchased. You will be alerted that something has already sold after you click the “Buy” button. We apologize for any confusion this may cause.
- Purchased artworks will be mailed to you after the sale, using the shipping address you provide during check out. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there may be a delay in mailing, but we will work to get you the artwork as quickly as possible.
- To further support Visual AIDS, please visit the complementary auction of larger works on Artsy.
- There will be a VIP Preview event on Friday January 8th, during which participants will be able to view all of the artworks for sale. More information and tickets here.