Past Event
Visual AIDS at The NY Art Book Fair 2014
Visual AIDS will have a table at this year's NY Art Book Fair, in which we will launch and preview our first two editions of DUETS. Visual AIDS initiated DUETS to foster dialogue between artists, writers and activists about their creative process and issues around HIV/AIDS.
In celebration of the launch of the first volume of Duets: Stephen Andrews and Gregg Bordowitz in conversation, artist and writer Gregg Bordowitz and Visual AIDS artist member Stephen Andrews will join Executive Director, Nelson Santos, at the NYABF Classroom to talk about their conversation and how the project came about. Andrews and Bordowitz will also be available to sign books. - Saturday, September 27, 6:00 PM*. [please note new starting time]
We will also preview the second volume of Duets: Che Gosset and Alice O'Malley in conversation on Chloe Dzubilo.
Visual AIDS will also have previous publications, including exhibition catalogs, the Robert Blanchon monograph, and NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS.
Plus some artist editions and prints: Deborah Kass' Enough Already, Brian Kenny's Art AIDS Action tote bags, fierce pussy's For The Record broadsides, and more.
Free and open to the public, the NY Art Book Fair is the world’s premier event for artists’ books, catalogs, monographs, periodicals, and zines. Last year, the fair featured nearly 300 booksellers, antiquarians, artists, institutions and independent publishers from twenty-six countries, and was attended by more than 27,000 people. THE NY ART BOOK FAIR
Preview Party: Thursday, September 25, 6-9 pm
Book Fair Hours:
Friday, September 26, 12–7 pm
Saturday, September 27, 11 am–9 pm (Conversation with Stephen Andrews and Gregg Bordowitz at 6:00 PM)
Sunday, September 28, 11 am–7 pm