Joining the Registry / Donating Materials
Joining Visual AIDS as an Artist Member
Anyone who identifies as a visual artist living with HIV or AIDS is welcome to join Visual AIDS as an Artist Member, as are the estates of artists with AIDS. There is no cost to become an Artist Member.
Artist Members are welcome to share images and information about their artwork on our online Artist Registry as well as our physical Archive Project. Visual AIDS also offers a range of services to Artist Members, including Artist Materials Grants, professional photo documentation of artwork, and exhibition opportunities.
For more information about becoming an Artist Member, please contact Blake Paskal, Artist Engagement and Community Programs Manager at
Donating to the Archive Project
The Visual AIDS Archive Project’s mission is to continue to collect, describe, preserve, and provide access to the personal papers, audiovisual materials, publications, and ephemera created, dealing with, or collected by HIV+ artists.
We currently only accept physical and digital materials created by, about, or belonging to HIV-positive artists. If you are a living artist member or an executor of an estate of an artist member and are interested in donating physical materials, please contact Kyle Croft at
We do not collect physical artworks or donations of materials that we cannot properly house, but we can assist with photo documentation of artwork by HIV+ artists.
We are in the process of updating our collections development policies as well as our collection management policies. When these are completed we will have these available to the public to provide more context on what we collect, how we make these decisions, and how we manage our materials.