Ginger Brooks Takahashi

Poster by Ginger Brooks Takahashi
Ginger Brooks Takahashi is a co-founder of both LTTR, a queer feminist art journal, and project MOBILIVRE BOOKMOBILE project, a touring exhibit of artist books, zines, and independent publications. Selected exhibitions include Artists Space, New York; La Centrale, Montreal; Cinders, Brooklyn; Space 1026, Philadelphia; Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia.
"I sought to convey a message for a younger generation of LGBT people in the hopes of further building bridges. My lover of 20 years, Jack Doroshow, and I simply asked young LGBT friends from the NYC nightclub scene what they would like to get from a 'safe sex' message. The consensus was for positive communication that promoted condom use as fun and fashionable without chastisement. I hope to convey the diversity and caring that the LGBT community so proudly exemplifies in such fierce fashion."