Camilo Londoño Hernández
I am a Colombian cuir (queer) writer, visual artist, and independent curator based in Germany.
I graduated with a master’s in fine arts in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies at the Bauhaus Universität- Weimar (Germany) where I was awarded the grant for excellent students “Deutschlandstipendum 2023,” and the Kreativefond funding for art projects with RITA Art Collective. In 2022, I published my first fiction book “Los Perros Esperan Bajo la Sombra” (The Dogs Wait Under the Shadow), a publication granted by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia. In 2015 I obtained the Creation Grant for Foreign Artists in Mexico. In 2014 I did an internship at the Institute of Aesthetic Research, UNAM (Mexico City). Additionally, I studied Social Communication and Journalism at the Pontificia Bolivariana University (Medellin, Colombia). There, I worked as a lecturer and researcher. As an academic, I have investigated imagery, literature, and cinema. These investigations have been published in Colombia and Mexico. As an artist and curator, I have exhibited in Colombia, Germany, Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Costa Rica, and the USA. Currently, I am working on the postproduction of my first feature film El Nadador, a project developed as a part of the exhibition “Lost in Translation” of the Bauhaus Museum in Germany.
I am a member of R.I.T.A Art Collectivehttps://rita.contact/ and ABRASO https://abraso.org/
As a constant game of moving words and images, my work plays with borders of literature to open cracks of affection, sexuality, pleasures, and power. Among the intersections of writing with cinema, photography, and performance, I portray personal stories —myself and others— seeking fractures inside patriarchal discourses. For the last few years, living with HIV has shifted my art practice to reflect on the tensions of body, language, and space. Hence, through methodologies and mediums of reproduction and rearrangement, I create textual and viral publications such as artbooks, performative readings, films, short stories, visual essays, and poems. My expanded literature wonders about viruses as metaphors, cities as organisms, streets as stories, poetics of daily life, and the motions of intimacy and grief.
• 2023. MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies. Bauhaus-Universität. Weimar, Germany.
• 2015. BA Social Communication & Journalism. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2014. Research internship. Institute of Aesthetic Research (IIE). National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
• 2022. Body translations. C-Keller Gallerie. AIDS-Hilfe. Weimar, Germany.
• 2016. Fragments. Casa de El Hijo del Ahuizote. Mexico City, Mexico.
• 2016. Objects that did not exist. IV Edition. Gallery L. Mexico City, Mexico.
Group (Selected)
• 2023. Transitory narratives of an imminent future. Building Bridges Art Exchange. Los Angeles, USA. // Cultural Center of Spain. San José, Costa Rica.
• 2022. North East South West. Robotron Kantine. Kunsthaus Dresden, Germany.
• 2022. Lost in translation. Part of Sprache. Bauhaus Museum. Germany.
• 2022. Lucíferas. Indirect tribute to Pasolini. Cinemateca de Bogotá and Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Colombia.
• 2022. Unter den Nägeln. Thüringer Landtag. Gallery of the Thüringia Municipality. Erfurt, Germany.
• 2022. Du kanst das tragen. Kunstsammlungen Museum. Chemnitz, Germany.
• 2016. 56-92. The encounter of an artistic generation. Academia San Carlos, Gallery of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City, Mexico.
• 2012. Pantalla Global, (Global Screen). San Telmo Museum. San Sebastian, Spain.
Artbooks and Self-publications
• 2022.Pillbox. Part of “Body translations”. Printer: Bauhaus Universität. AIDS-Hilfe Foundation. Weimar, Germany.
• 2022. About this body. Efimera Press. Printer: La Bruja Riso. Colombia.
• 2018. The walkers. Self-publication. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2015. Fragments. Printer: La Casa del Hijo del Ahuizote. Mexico City, Mexico.
Creative writing
• 2022. The Dogs Wait Under the Shadow. Press: La Bruja Riso. Award-wining: Grant for creative projects. Ministry of Culture of the Government of Colombia.
• 2012. Written portraits. Journalism. Book chapter. Press: Editorial UPB. Medellin, Colombia.
Academic Papers
• 2018. Analog Hermenutic. Structure and dynamism. Essay. Book chapter. Press: Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa.
• 2017. Communication: images, imagery, letters, and opinions. Essay. Press: Editorial UPB. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2015. Words of cinema. Essay. Press: Editorial UPB. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2014. Memories of filmmaking: “Eso que llaman amor”. Film research. Co-writer. Press: Editorial UPB. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2021. Popayan International Short-film Festival. Official Selection. Colombia.
• 2020. Intermediaciones. VII Show of Videoart and Experimental Cinema. National Selection. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2020. Seattle Latino Film Festival. Official Selection. Seattle, USA.
• 2020. Buenos Aires International Film Festival. Official Selection. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• 2019. 18 International Festival of Image. Section: Cinema and digital. Manizales, Colombia.
• 2022. Among bodies. Cultural Center, Centro Civic Pati Limona. Experimental PhotoFest. Barcelona, Spain.
• 2018. Sabotage. Lokkus Gallery. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2018. My dad, my Frankenstein. Un Nuevo Error, Independent Art Space. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2018. Land of Strangers. Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Colombia.
• 2017. Limit Project. Intervention in a local building. Medellin, Colombia
• 2016. I have others lands on my feet. The project was shown at the Museum of Art of Jericó, Antioquia – MAJA, Colombia; and Tambo Quirquincho Museum in the frame of the Fotofest Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia.
• 2016.The man who crossed the world. Lokkus Gallery. Medellin, Colombia.
• 2020. Residencias Walden. Film projects development. Barcelona, Spain.
• 2020. Self-lockdown residencies. Accompaniment for artists (online). Plataforma Caníbal, Colombia.
• 2015. R.A.T., Independent Art Space. Exchange for international artists. Mexico City, Mexico.
• 2020- 2023. Cuir figures: images and imaginaries of LGTBIQ+ communities at the Valle de Aburrá. Main researcher. Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Medellin, Colombia.
• 2021. “Yo soy solo de mí”, Bad Bunny and contemporary Narcissus. Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Medellin, Colombia.
• 2019. The individual collage: discourses of self and heterogeneous knowledge of social networks. Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Medellin, Colombia.
• 2018-2019. My dad, my Frankenstein: the literary and cinematographic narrations and live stories as a depiction of monstrosity in parent-child relationships.Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Colombia.
• 2013-2015. Photographic and literary images on the work of the Mexican author Juan Rulfo. Institute of Aesthetic Research (IIE). National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) & Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Mexico City, Mexico & Medellin, Colombia.
• 2013-2014. Documentation of the filmmaking of the movie “Eso que llaman amor”. Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Medellin, Colombia.
• 2012-2013. Cinematographic analysis of the adaptations of the literacy in Gabriel García Márquez.Pontificia Bolivariana University (UPB). Medellin, Colombia.
• 2023.Deutschlandstipendum. Grant for excellent students. Bauhaus Universität. Weimar, Germany.
• 2023. Kreativefonds. Grant for creative projects. R.I.T.A. Art Collective. Bauhaus Universität. Weimar, Germany.
• 2021. National Stimulus Program. Grant for creative projects. Area: Literature. Ministry of Culture. Colombia.
• 2020. Mention of Honor. Self-lockdown residencies. Accompaniment for artists. Cultural Center of Spain in San Jose, Costa Rica; Museo C.A.V La Neomudejar y Zapadores Ciudad del Arte and Mujeres en las Artes Visuales (MAV) in Madrid, Spain; Building Bridges Art Exchange in Los Angeles, USA; and, Plataforma Caníbal in Colombia.
• 2016. Grant for Art and Culture. Mayor’s Office of Medellin. Colombia.
• 2015. Scholarship of Creation for Foreigners. Mexican Bureau of Foreign Affairs. AMEXCID. Mexico City.
• 2014. Santander Scholarship. Grant for International circulation for excellent students. Universia Foundation. Spain.
• 2012. Global Screen. Winner of Screen Surveillance Category. San Telmo Museum. San Sebastian, Spain.
• 2023. 2nd of July. Performative reading for the Pink Triangle Memorial at the Concentration Camp of Buchenwald.
AIDS-Hilfe Foundation & Buchenwal Memorial Museum. Weimar, Germany.
• 2022. 1st of December. Talk to commemorate the International Day of HIV/AIDS. Demonstration at public space of the City Centre. AIDS-Hilfe Foundation & Buchenwal Memorial Museum. Weimar, Germany.
• 2019. 2nd of November. Speech of my experience living with HIV. Gala Día de Muertos. Entre Hermanos. Seattle´s Latino LGTBQI+ Organization. Seattle, USA.