
Heinrich Von Kesseler


Art Dealer promoting LGBTQ+ work.

Former Fintech Architect, Dotcom CTO, Educator, Sinologist and 🏆 NPC Bodybuilder with a Ph.D


My 2023 VisualAIDS Postcards from the Edge art piece "Living our Best Lives" included this accompanying explanation:

"A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a picture made up of a thousand letters can sometimes express what mere words cannot. Here are six frames of a cellphone movie I made to commemorate a night of hot MSM passion converted programmatically into Ascii Art, a genre popular back before graphic terminals and digital photography were common."

The singular postcard image is broken out here into their six component parts, to better reveal the alphanumeric composition.


My 2024 VisualAIDS Postcards from the Edge art piece "Quantum Enfistlement Thong Anaglyph" included this accompanying explanation:

In this anaglyphic image, I appear to be fisting my own thong. However, if one and the other eye is covered looking through old-fashioned red-blue 3D glasses, you will observe that no penetration actually occurs.

Can a thong be both fisted and not fisted simultaneously? To quote Eliot, The Fire and the Rosebud are one.


Artabolic Arts Management

Art Dealer, 2020 - current