Michael Johnstone
Visual Artist /Photographer/ story teller
Born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1955, Michael Johnstone has worked with several mediums, all with the goal of telling stories. Primarily a photographer he also collaborates with his partner David Faulk making art wear from recycled items, to participate in colorful street spectacles that engage all generations. He has also created a fil with Frameline Film Festival "Voices " series Generations in 2012.
Mrs. Vera’s Daybook is collaboration between visual artists David Faulk and Michael Johnstone in their ongoing photo series Mrs. Vera’s Daybook. Costumes by David Faulk Photographs by Michael Johnstone A character composed of discarded and unlikely materials, Mrs. Vera engages the viewer with ideas of non-conformity, isolation and celebration. By transforming these unwanted items into something unexpected, she enters society through her interaction with her surroundings and the general public. At times shamanistic all those drawn to it are welcome to become part of a tribal experience and interventionist performance as when we assemble for gay Pride celebrations and street fairs etc. Recent Futures Series came about as I reflected on all the possible "futures" presented to me as a person living with AIDS for over 28 years. Certain uncertainty, countless losses including many friends, mentors, conduits to art, writing performance and other endeavors. Resulting side effect of such loss has had tsunami like effects upon my career, health, living conditions mental health and livelihood. Recent Futures Series employs, archetypical images conjured by thoughts of souls, dreams, departures and robbery. Unlike reflections on aging, this series seeks to relate the sense of emotional"stasis" caused by deep shock becoming endemic. In the mythology of soul ferries I seek to relate the surreal dream-less state of mind and uncertainty about the “future” brought about by the overwhelming multiple losses in my community and particularly in my own life. Toyland Series (2013) more recently is a playful expression and examination of memory and artifact.
Solo Exhibitions
2012 Mission open studios Live art gallery san francisco Beautiful Rebels De Young Museum San Francisco staged costume event S.F. Art Expo costumes & performance Fort Mason Center S.F. Saints and Sinners Visual Aid Gallery S.F. Photograph & costumes Toyland Minibar San francisco Photography
2011 Café International San Francisco, Photography Mission Open studios San Francisco Photography Queer .Cultural .Center . Threads, San Francisco photography Live Art Gallery San Francisco, Dreamtime , photography
2010 Supper Club, Sydney Australia, About Town and Down Under,photography Official Mardi Gras Exhibit Glamarama, San Francisco, Ca. Photography 2009 Q.C.C. Threads, San Francisco photography Mom’s Pharmacy, photography 2008 CIIS San Francisco, Verasphere, photography 2008 Glamarama, San Francisco , Photography 2004 Hormel Reading Room San Francisco Public Library Photography 2004 Live Art Gallery Signs Along the Way Photography 2003 Live Art Gallery San Francisco Photography 2003- Mother Jones Magazine San Francisco Photography 2005 Hormel Room San Francisco Public Library Photography
2001 San Francisco LGBT Historical Society Photography 1997 Josie's Cabaret, Colorworks,San Francisco,Ca. Photography 1991 Zeno's Paradox, San Francisco,Ca Drawing Painting 1990 Art Lick Gallery, San Francisco. Ca Drawing Painting 1989 Cafe D'arts, San Francisco. Ca Drawing Painting 1989 A Different Light, San Francisco. Ca Drawing Painting 1988 Forma Gallery, San Francisco. Ca Drawing Painting 1987 Neiman-Marcus , San Francisco.Ca Collage
Group Exhibitions
Café International, San Francisco Photography Open Studio, San Francisco Ca. Photography 2009 Glamarama, San Francisco, Ca. Photography 2008 Group Show, Magnet ,Gallery San Francisco , CA The Great Gay Photography Show ,Leslie Lohman Gallery Manhattan,NY, 2007 Remember Jerome Bucheon Gallery San Francisco CA
2006 Get out of Jail Free. San Francisco LGBT Center Spring Show Bucheon Gallery, San Francisco,CA Labyrinth, Red Ink Studio, San Francisco, CA 2005 Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Queer Mysteries Photography 2004 San Francisco Public Library Reversing Vandalism Mixed media 2004 Space 743 Babes in Toyland Photography 2003 Spice Catharine Clark Gallery San Francisco Photography 2001 Stephen Wirtz Gallery Visual Aid Group Show Photography 2001 San Francisco LGBT Community Center Positive Too 2000 CBS Marketwatch San Francisco Group show 2000 San Francisco Public Library Positive Group Show 1998 Clean Sweep, Space 743 San Francisco,Ca. Photography 1997 New Conservatory Theatre,San Francisco,Ca Photography 1997 Visual Aid 4th Annual Exhibition,Lab Gallery,SanFrancisco,Photography 1996 Queer Utopia,Artgroup New York ,N.Y. Photography 1996 Party,Cable Car Theatre,San Francisco Photography 1996 Art at City Hall,San Francisco City Hall, San Francisco,Ca. Photography 1996 Day Without Art, M.H. De Young Museum San Francisco,Ca. Photog. 1995 Battle Cries, Southern Exposure Gallery, San Francisco,Ca. 1994 Presence, Opts Art Gallery,San Francisco, Ca. Drawing Painting 1993 New Work,Southern Exposure gallery, San Francisco,Ca. Drawing 1993 Queer Art Invitational.ARU Gallery, San Francisco,Ca. 1988 Spring Exhibition. Southern Exposure Gallery, San Francisco.Ca.. 1985 SNAP Photography in the Bay Area. ( juried) San Francisco Art Commission Gallery ,San Francisco,Ca.
Multi-Media and Performance
2012 Lost / Found San Francisco Frameline Film Festival Short film Beautiful Rebels ,M.H. De Young Museum San Francisco Costume performance installation 2011 Tech Craft Yerba Buena Center For the Arts San Francisco Sole Makerover interactive workshop
2001 Visual Aid .org Website+ Artist Profiles online www.visualaid.org 1999 Center for Digital Storytelling :Digital bootcamp:U.C. Berkeley Drop Dead Gorgeous .5 minute Digital Story (CD Rom &video;) 1998 Edinburgh Fringe Festival: Edinburgh Scotland Million Sellers, 70's Costumes, 1997 Hollywood Presents : Installation, Los Angeles Ca.
1996 Dirty Plastic: Installation, POPTRASH 96. Figure 8 Gallery, San Francisco,Ca 1995 Playing Poseidon Short film by Ryan X.Rubio: B & W stills San Francisco Lesbian Gay Film Festival; Handghost Theatre, San Francisco, California Constructed and performed with masks and puppets: 1985 Garden: Images of a Naive Yard, Studio Eremos Theatre, San Francisco. Ca. 1983 Lunation, a Folktale Fantasy. Studio Eremos Theatre and Theatre Artaud, San Francisco. 1982 Modern Home Bondage. Studio Eremos Theatre, San Francisco and Golden Gate ParkBandshell, San Francisco Art Commission's Art in the Park Festival. Publications 2000 Gezjer Magazine, Poland 5 page photo article 1999 Abbott Labs Positively 2000 Calendar Image publication and $1,000 award 1998 Artist's Estate Archive, Permanent Online Exhibit www.artistswithaids.org 1998 Postcard Publications (series of 8 photos) 1994 Beyond Definition:New writing from gay and lesbian S.F: Manic.D.Press.San Francisco (Prose) 1993-6 Rant and Rave:The Zine..Editor,writer,art direction. Autumn,Spring,Summer,Winter, Issues 1991 Postcard publication (Mixed Media Color Image). 1991 The Blue Book 1992 Day Book (Blockprint images). 1989 Homocore Magazine. Photography (Issue #4, pp. 1-9). 1988 Names Project Book. Panel Design. (page 12). 1987 Postcard publication (woodcut images). 1985 Metier Magazine, Fall 1985. Photography, pg. 7.Winter 1985.Drawing, 1983 Postcard publication (photo images).. 1974 Hardcore Love,Illustrations Parsons Publications; Wichita, Ks.
Curating 1985 Heroes and Destinations, Lunchbox Show.a collection of 100 American metal lunchboxes.San Francisco.Ca. 1979 Heartfelt Mail Art Show.. McFarlane Gallery, Wichita, Kansas. Curated 1978 Last Rites . Wichita, Ks.Curated and exhibited on a demolition site exhibit ion international mail art and theatre works.
Special Projects/Community Involvement 2013 West of Center Exhibition, Mills College Oakland Ca. Performance 2013 Oakland Museum of Art , WE/CUSTOMIZE installation , performance hands on work shops in collaboration with David Faulk 2012 Beautiful Rebels M.H.DeYoung Museum San Francisco wearable art , Gaultier Exhibition. 2010 Yerba Buena Center For the Arts San Franciaco, Ca, Sole Makeover Workshop, Techno Craft Exhibition. 2009 Q.C.C. Threads Event, Verasphere wearable Art exhibition 1995 Bay Area Art Benefit ,Josie’s Juice Bar, Exhibit Co-ordinator,San Francisco,Ca. 1992 Push Comes to Shove,Benefit art Auction Exhibit Co-ordinator, San Francisco,Ca. 1991 Zeno’s, Pretty/Ugly, Silent Auction benefit. Exhibition Coordinator. San Francisco,Ca. 1989 The Lab. Holiday Invitational Show, Exhibition space design,& installation,San Francisco,Ca. 1988 DeYoung Museum, Come As You Art benefit. Wall mural panels.San Francisco,Ca. 1987 The Names Project Memorial Quilt, San Francisco. Workshop leader, panel making,and installation in Washington, D.C. display on the Washington Mall. 1983-9 Business and the Visual Artist Seminar, Fort Mason,SanFrancisco. Exhibiting member, Fort Mason Artists, San Francisco. 1982-4 Performing member, Handghost Theatre, San Francisco.
Education 2000 Bay Area Video Coalition Web site design Immersion Program 2000 Storytelling Bootcamp, Center for Digital Storytelling UC Berkeley 1995 Independent study,Italy,Paris. 1992 Independent study, Amsterdam, Crete. 1990 Museum Study, London, Scotland, Greece. 1983-9 Business and the Visual Artist Seminar, Fort Mason,SanFrancisco. 1983 Museum Study in Europe: Holland, Sweden, Berlin, and France. 1978 Dada Surrealism Survey, Film project.Wichita State University, Wichita, Ks.
Michael Johnstone 335 Grove Street apt.7 San Francisco CA 94102 415-431-5779 sonicmikol@gmail.com