Based in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
A multi-passionate and multi-qualified Australian creative artist, project manager and lover of painting and colour, Riss' creative interests include contemporary art, creative projects, song writing, and playing bass.
Through favoured mediums of painting and textiles, Riss explores colour, techniques, sustainability and spiritually, while often extending creativity into 'everyday items' such as prints and books, fashion items, crafted jewellery, and homewares. Having first learnt textiles at an early age, passed down from both grandmothers and mother, it wasn't until a 1992 diagnosis and in her late teens that Riss felt innately inspired to paint. With no high school, nor formal art training behind her, Riss successfully dared herself to apply for a Bachelor of Visual Arts, majoring in painting and textiles (USQ, 2001), and then on to complete a Graduate Certificate in Art Authentication (MelbUni, 2005).
It has been through art and music, … as my salutogenic coping mechanism, a way to express and release the array of emotions and meanings throughout this journey. I am still on this journey of finding me, and of being all of ‘me’, …including as a positive person… more publicly… nearly 36 years after contracting HIV, and nearly 32 years after being given only 5 years left to live.
My creative interests explore colour, techniques, sustainability, and spirituality while reflecting a serendipitous journey of responding to and capturing a hope and faith in living a full life with impact, purpose and meaning, ...despite all odds.
Since 1992, the creative act of making and engaging in visual arts practice has intuitively been my self-therapy and salutogenic coping mechanism for dealing with diagnosis trauma. My artworks burst with colour and movement, and aim to impart positivity, hope and faith... lifting one from the subfuse of daily life.
In 2017, I resumed sharing my creative works publicly with increasing opportunity to participate and exhibit both locally and more recently abroad. As events since 2020 continue to disrupt our world, knowing and owning one’s self-identity is more important than ever and inform my current creative works and visual investigations.
Based in Tivoli, Queensland, Australia
- Master Research Management & Commercialisation at Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Graduate Certificate Art Authentication at University of Melbourne, Australia
- Graduate Certificate Academic Practice at Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Bachelor of Visual Arts at University of Southern Queensland, Australia
- Associate Diploma Applied Science Horticulture at University of Queensland, Australia
- Cert IV Project Management at Australian Institute of Management, QLD & NT, Australia
- Cert IV Training & Assessing (TAA40104) at TAFE QUEENSLAND, Australia
- 2019+ Arts Connect Ipswich Inc, Queensland, Australia
- 2019+ Visual AIDS, New York, NY, USA
- 2018+ National Association for the Visual Artists (NAVA), Australia
- 2018+ Flying Arts Alliance Inc, Queensland, Australia
- 2009+ Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)
Grants & Awards:
- 2023 Artists+ Material Grant recipient, Visual AIDS, New York, NY, USA
- 2020 stART Grant, Arts Queensland, Australia
- 2020 Artists+ Material Grant recipient, Visual AIDS, New York, NY, USA
- 2002 Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Grant Bursary recipient, Cooloola Shire Council, Gympie (McGregor Summer School 2003 – egg tempera master-class with International artist-in-residence Willi Gilli, Germany)
- 2002 McGregor Bursary Grant recipient, McGregor Summer Schools 2003, USQ, Toowoomba (egg tempera masterclass with International artist-in-residence Willi Gilli, Germany)
- 2001 Hugh Child Memorial Award, Visual Arts – Academic Performance, University of Southern Queensland
- 2023 'Creative Collaborations', Positive Lounge, IAS2023, 24-26 July, with Visual AIDS Materials Grant.
- 2023 'That's Hot Magenta' Group Exhibition, ARTtime Gallery, tpswich
- 2023 'On Paper' Group Exhibition, ARTtime and Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, lpswich
- 2023 'Postcards from The Edge 2023', Visual AIDS Group Exhibition Fundraiser, online, NyC, USA
- 2022 'Off the Wall’ Group Exhibition, ArtsConnect Ipswich Inc, Ipswich Community Gallery
- 2022 ‘Crisis Relief' Group Exhibition, Visual AIDS, NY, online, curated by Sur Rodney, NY, USA
- 2022 ‘Riss Retrospective: 1994-2022’ Solo Exhibition, Banshees Bar & Artspace, Ipswich
- 2022 ‘Decked Out’ Group Exhibition, ARTtime & Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich
- 2022 ‘On Paper’ Group Exhibition, ARTtime & Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich
- 2022 ‘Visual Verse’ Group Exhibition, ArtsConnect Ipswich Inc, Ipswich Community Gallery
- 2022 ‘Ipswich Art Awards’, Ipswich City Council, Tulmur Place, Nicholas St, Ipswich
- 2022 ‘Engaging Green’ Group Exhibition, ARTtime & Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich
- 2021 'Deep Dark', Group Exhibition, ARTtime & Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2021 'knOwn Collection', Solo Exhibition, ARTtime & Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2021 'Postcards from The Edge', Visual AIDS Group Exhibition Fundraiser, online, NYC, USA
- 2020 'Off the Wall' Group Exhibition, ArtsConnect Ipswich Inc, Ipswich Community Gallery, Qld, Aust.
- 2020 'Ampler Than Loneliness: Documenting Collective Resilience' Group Exhibition, Visual AIDS, NY
- 2020 'Ipswich Hospice Care Art Awards', Ipswich Hospice online, Qld, Aust.
- 2020 'Black & White' Group Exhibition, ARTtime and Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2020 'Postcards From The Edge' Group Fundraiser Exhibition, Visual AIDS, Bortolami Gallery, Tribeca, NYC
- 2019 'Off the Wall' Group Exhibition, ArtsConnect Inc, Ipswich Community Art Gallery, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2019 'Faith' Group Exhibition, ArtsConnect Inc, Ipswich Community Art Gallery, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2019 'Mellow Yellow' Group Exhibition, ARTtime and Drawing Point Gallery & Studio, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2018 'Ipswich Art Awards' Exhibition, Ipswich Festival, St. Paul’s Church Hall, Ipswich, Qld, Aust.
- 2002 'Kenilworth Arts Festival' Exhibition, Kenilworth Public Hall, Qld, Aust.
- 2000 'Zeitgeist', Graduarts Group Exhibition, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, Qld, Aust.
- 2000 'USQ Student Guild' Art Exhibition, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland
- 1999 'Works in Progress' Group Exhibition, Arts Foyer Gallery, University of Southern Qld, Toowoomba
- 1999 'Cent$less' Group Exhibition, Art M@trix Gallery, Toowoomba, Qld, Aust.
- 1999 '3rd Artist’s Books & Multiples Fair', School of Arts, Brisbane, Queensland, Aust.
Published articles:
- 2023 'Art And Science, For All Our Health's Sake!', Visual AIDS blog, https://visualaids.org/blog/hiv-science-as-art