Órion Lalli is a political activist (recognized by Front Line Defenders) performer, visual artist and professional actor with theatrical background and experience in the research field of performing arts. Since 2005, his research has focus on the intersection and influences between Dance-Theater and Performance Art.
In 2020, he was censured by the brazilian government, chased and had his life threatened. Lalli was charged as a criminal for "Religious Vilification" by deputies of Bolsonaro´s political party .
In 2021 he was part of the webinar: "Speaking Truth to Power: Religious or Belief Minority Artists, Voice and Protest" organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Danish organization FREEMUSE.
After this event, the threats intensified and he had to leave Brazil to ask for political asylum. Since 2022 he is recognized as a political refugee by the French government.
His work is primarly documentary, mainly developed from the experiences of his own body and its dialogue through different languages, such as spectacles, performances, videos, sculptures, photographs, and installations in search of a direct interchange with today's modus operands.
He is the founder and director of Grupo Tarto de Teatro, which works through different languages such as street theater, performance, children and adult shows, corporate theater and workshops for art educators, performing in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.
One of his main productions is the show "Part-ir do Corpo" that talks about the LBGTQIA+ deaths in Brazil governed by Jair Bolsonaro. Directed by him, the production received 11 nominations and 6 awards including: Best Choreography, Best Lighting, Best Direction, Best Scenography, Best Actress and Best Show, at Festival de Teatro de Salto/SP, with Grupo Tarto de Teatro.
At the Faculty of Communication Arts and Design (FCAD) in São Paulo, he starts his scientific research, "(Per) Forming - The search for corporeal knowledge in the state of Being", thus creating the "Residência Per(for)m Artistas", a monthly meeting for artistic sharing.
At the Celia Helena Arts Center in São Paulo, he starts another scientific research "Looking over the eye that looks at nothing - A view on blindness", where he proposes a show for non-sighted people about indigenous legends.
Since 2018 he has been developing the project EM.COITROS, encounters of a body living with HIV, where he delves into his body and the unraveling about HIV/AIDS and the possible relationships with performances and art installations, a dialogue about public policies in the field of arts.
Órion has worked with great names such as Ismael Ivo, Isaac Karabtchevsky, Marcelo Lombardero, Roger Honeywell, Hector Guedes, Leonardo Neiva, Janaína Leite, Alex Neoral, Ligia Cortez among other great artists in theater, music, dance and performance.
* “Dieu a le $ida" - First solo exhibition as a refugee in France - SOMA and L´Atelier des Artistes en Exil - PLASTIC ARTS
* “Abattoir" - Remaking of the award-winning show "Matadouro" (2019) - DIRECTOR/PERFORMER
* "United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner OHCHR x Freemuse webinar - “Speaking Truth to Power: Religious or Belief Minority Artists, Voice and Protest”
* “The Last Supper or Juda´s Kiss" - Last video performance before leaving Brazil, realized at `Teatro Oficina Uzyna Uzona´ - DIRECTOR/PERFORMER
* “Pra Marcar no Tempo" - Short film produced for Pride Month - Johnson & Johnson - DIRECTOR
* “De Frente com Gabi" - Televised program for Johnson & Johnson - ACTOR
* "CA FÉ" - Visual work in video - PLASTIC ARTS
* "O Armário Normando" - Directed by Janaina Leite and André Medeiros - PERFORMER
* "Cartas para Não Esquecer de Mim" - Series of 5 shorts films for digital platforms - DIRECTOR/ACTOR
* "Em Busca do Obrigado" Online Project for Children's Day - Grupo Tarto de Teatro - DIRECTOR/ACTOR
* "Matadouro" Performance/Manifest - Live for Centro Culturas da Diversidade - São Paulo - SP - PERFORMER
* "Todes eS Santes renomeado #EuNãoSouDespesa " CENSURED Fragment - Collective Visual Exhibition - Hélio Oiticica Art Center - RJ
* "Le Salon de Refusés" Group Exhibition - Casa da Luz - SP - VISUAL ARTS
* "Sobre Afeto" - Video art of the Em.Coitros project - PERFORMER
* "EM.COITROS" Visual Exhibition - Casa da Luz - Cabaret da Cecília - SP
* "Matadouro" Performance/Manifest and Exhibition - Casa da Luz - SP - Universo Paralello - BA - PERFORMER
* "Campo Minado" - Short film directed by: Jessica Teleze - ACTOR
(semi-finalist -Festival Lisbon Film Rendezvous, Cefalù Film Festiva, Lift-off Global Sessions Pinewood Studios).
* "Cuartzo" Feature performance and exhibition - Vicunã - Chile -PERFORMER.
* "Necropsia do Part-ir" - Creation Residency - Casa da Luz - Grupo Tarto de Teatro - DIRECTOR.
* "ERECTUS" - Museum of the City of São Paulo - ACTOR.
* "É Necessário Passar o Fio Pelo Buraco da Agulha" - (It is Necessary to Pass the Thread through the Hole in the Needle) - Municipal Center of Art Hélio Oiticica - Lavra - PERFORMER.
* "Dolores Al Mar" - Itinerant Show - Uruguay, Argentina, Chile - Grupo Tarto de Teatro.
* "SONIDO EN LA CIUDAD" - Buenos Aires - Argentina - PERFORMER
* "Entrei na Roda do Folclore Brasileiro" 10° Sergio Nunes Scenic Arts Festival - Ourinhos -SP
* "COR-po CRI-ativo em AÇÃO" workshop given at the 10° Sergio Nunes Performing Arts Festival - DIRECTOR
* "Segurança Começa Comigo" - SIPAT Johnson & Johnson. - DIRETOR/ACTOR
* “No Pântano dos Gatos” by Marina Carr directed by Domingos Nunes, CBB - ACTOR
* “Cinequanon” Focus cia. De Dança – CCSP Semanas de Dança – PRODUCER
* ”Visões”, Em Cena Ser, Semana Inclusiva Sesc SP – ACTOR
* ”Garotos de Aluguel”, Cia Jeans – ACTOR
* “Part-ir do Corpo”, Grupo Tarto de Teatro, 11 Nominations and 6 Awards * Best Choreography * Best Lighting * Best Direction * Best Scenography * Best Actress * 2nd BEST SHOW Salto Theater Festival/SP
* Circulação Contacão de Histórias, Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Rouanet, Villa 7 - ACTOR
* “Santos Dumont”, Grupo Dezz, Santos Air Base - ACTOR
* "Operação Lunáticas", Grupo Tarto de Teatro – DIRECTOR/ACTOR
* "Entrei na Roda Do Folclore Brasileiro", selected by the Culture Fomentation of Salto - ACTOR/DIRECTOR
* Circuito Estrada à Fora, Teatro de Tábuas, Storytelling - ACTOR
* "Palhaços, Malas e Risos", Em Cena Produções - ACTOR
* Páscoa de São Roque Theatre "Julgamento de Jesus" - ACTOR
* "31st Popularization Campaign of the Theater in Campinas, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" Grupo Tarto - DIRECTOR/PRODUCTOR/ACTOR
- 2015
* “Das Tripas... Coração” by Ismael Ivo, Biblioteca do Corpo Project - SCENIC CREATION TRAINEESHIP
* "Phillip Long "You Shouldn't Keep Me Around You", Clip - ACTOR
* "Per(for)m Artists Residency" - PERFORMER
* “12° Cenas Curtas de Sumaré, Faço, (Des)faço e (Re)Faço.” - PERFORMER
* “Seu Noel e os Duendes" Grupo Tarto - DIRECTOR/PRODUCTOR/ACTOR
* “O Flautista de Hamelin” (The Pied Piper of Hamelin) Grupo Tarto - DIRECTOR/PRODUCTOR/ACTOR
* 30° Campaign of popularization of the Theater in Campinas, "The Little Prince" Grupo Tarto - PRODUCER/ACTOR
* "Muro Nosso de Cada Dia" - PERFORMER
* “1° Cena Cine - Independent Film Festival" - PRODUCER
* XXI Encenação da Paixão de Cristo em Salto - SP" - ACTOR
* The "Programa Educa Água - Uso Racional da Água" (Educate Water Program - Rational Use of Water), of the Saae of Indaiatuba - ACTOR
* XIV FECT Festival Curtas de Teatro, Tempestade de Pétalas - Duas atrizes e um Monólogo" (Fourteenth Theater Shorts Festival, Storm of Petals - Two actresses and a monologue) - LIGHTING/SONOPLAST
* Maxim Gorki's "Ralé (NO FUNDO)" renamed "Pedra Parada Cria Moss "Cia. 3° Sinal - ACTOR/COGRAPHER
* “Yamana", Theater of Boards, Institutional Short - ACTOR
* “Naim Salto" Commercial - ACTOR
* “Fragmentos", Cia. 3º Sinal - ACTOR
* “Fragmentos 04 - Piece of Me", Short Film - ACTOR
* “VHT - Connect Importados" Commercial - ACTOR
- 2014
* Sumaré Short Scene Festival, monologue “A Infanticida Marie Farrar” ("The Infanticide Marie Farrar" ) by Bertolt Brecht, Grupo Tarto - ACTOR
* “Nossa Cidade” (“Our Town") by Thornton Wilder, Cia. 3° Sinal - ACTOR
* “Raul e o Fã” (Raul and the Fan), Teatro de Pano Associação Cultual - SONOPLASTA/ILUMINATOR
* “O Orgasmo Nosso de Cada Dia" (The Orgasm of Every Day), Teatro de Pano Associação Cultual - SOUNDLIGHTING /ILUMINATOR
* “A Lenda da Gralha Azul” (The Legend of Gralha Azul), Teatro de Tábuas - ACTOR
* “Os Irmãos Retalho e o Baú Mágico” (The Brothers and the Magic Chest), Grupo Tarto - ACTOR/PRODUCTOR
* “Opus Studio de Dança, Julieta, Entretanto Maria" - ACTOR
* "Flowman Uma Chance", Clip - ACTOR
- 2013
* VII Monofest in São João da Boa Vista with the monologue “Cê já foi?” (Have you ever been?), Vernáculo Company - ACTOR
* Proac “Espia tem tesouro aí! “(Spy there's treasure there!) Taraumara - ACTOR
* Cultural Production with the play “Idis e Ego”, Taraumara - ACTOR
* XII "Fect Festival Curtas de Teatro, Agreste", Cia. Teatral Pentáculos - ACTOR
* XX Itu Arts Festival, "O Cravo e a Rosa", Teatro em Cena - ILLUMINATOR/ SOUNDLIGHTING
* " Os Três Porquinhos” e “Alladin” (The Three Little Pigs and Alladin), Cultura Mix producer - ACTOR
* Opus Dance Studio, "Pinocchio Ecce Homo" - ARTISTIC DIRECTOR/ACTOR/ CENOPGRAPHER
* Reflexos de Mim" by Dan Yr, Short Film - ACTOR
* “Camada Externa” (Outer Layer) by Jonathan Rdg, Short Film - ACTOR
* “Dom Quixote” Le Pliè, by Leonardo Talarico - ACTOR
* "Oficina de Intervenção Pingos e Pigmentos" at Sesi - PERFORMER
* Time Festival of Performing Arts of Rio de Janeiro at the workshop ENTOMODANCE- EA&AE (The insect in the actor's body)
*”PPS 18th National Congress", Commercial - ACTOR
* "Meu Passado Me Condena" (My Past Condemns Me") in Multi Show - ACTOR
*” Billy Budd" in Municipal Theatre of Rio de Janeiro, Opera by Benjamin Britten - ACTOR
- 2012
* “Scenic Illumination Workshop" by Alessandro Azuos at Sesc Campinas.
* “Fukubukuro", M.O.K. Foundation - ACTOR/CHORAL CANTOM
* “João e Maria", Grupo Dezz - ACTOR
* Opus Dance Studio, "O Caminho das Pedras Amarelas" - ACTOR/ARTIST DIRECTOR
* “Sobre Homens e Cuecas” (About Men and Underpants), Ton Crivelaro - SOUNDLIGHTING /ILUMINATOR
* 8° Festival Peças Curtas de Sumaré e Semana Comédia é 10 "Ria a ria do dia a dia" - SOUNDLIGHTING /ILUMINATOR
* “Cultural Exhibition and Sarau do Colégio Doctus" - PRODUCTION
* Inaugurates, with the Grupo Dezz company, the theater of the TAM museum "Assas de um Sonho", with the spectacle "Santos Dumont" in São Carlos - SOUNDLIGHTING /ILUMINATOR
* “Vidas Secas" by Graciliano Ramos, in the "9 Years of Casa no Lago Cultural Space at Unicamp", - ACTOR
* “O Gato de Botas” (Puss in Boots) by Teatro de Pano - ACTOR
* “Mosaico 30 anos” (Mosaic 30 years) by Opus Studio de Dança - ATOR
- 2010
* Opus Dance Studio, performs in the show, “O Pequeno Príncipe" (The Little Prince) - ACTOR
- 2006
* 5th AMDC Dance Festival in Campinas, with the show "A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate" (The Fantastic Chocolate Factory) - ACTOR/DANCER
- 2005
* Impacto Dance Company, "Ying Yang" - DANCER