My name is Remy., I'm a artist/writer... I've spent my whole life behind bars. I'm new to this; in some sense, I've just realized I have a gift. The ABCA workshop has allowed me to share, express my thoughts, open my life to others. Spending over 12 1/2 years in Southport opened my eyes to write poems, draw.... how I felt, what I was going through and seeing other humans around me in pain. So I took those things and put them together to incorporate small drawing with my poems and short stories. It helped me to express how I felt and what was going on around me. It brought raw emotions.... Putting thought into my story and showing action within my drawings... It's my way of showing people my life, being creative....
That's my drive, to sit back and allow my emotions to flow on real life subjects. I've spent seconds, minutes, hours, days and years just putting on paper how I feel, taking that and drawing around those feelings. I never thought anyone would care about these things, my poems, art, writing.... I'm not the best, but I write from my heart. I realize I have a gift and people see me as someone different now. I approach everything by what I feel and see and been through. My interests are many, but there are few that stands out, that's sharing my world with others so that they can see the human side and what prison means, what effects it has on us all, these things need to be addressed and through my art/poems.... I can be able to share with those who really get this, and want to take what I express to a higher level..
I’m a artist, a poet, storyteller, those are my ways to give back... And not just be a state number#. I've been involved with the struggle behind H.I.V./A.I.D.S. I want to make a change and be connected with awesome people who care.... No matter if my art and poems mean nothing to others, I know that someone will think I'm the greatest. My way of creating words come with living it; art, poems brings out the best in who I am as a human being.Taking thoughts and a pen have become a new life for me, digging deep, showing that I bring life into any subject that is brought up, with small figures in action, my way of expressing oneself... I hope who ever reads this small bio will find it interesting and would like to connect, enjoy my writing, can relate to my subjects.