On March 19th, 2014, Visual AIDS, celebrating the New York debut of Jessica Whitbred's book, "Tea Time: Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living With HIV" worked with the New School's Queer Caucus to bring together a panel of women from around the world to discuss their embodied work and lives within the HIV field. From personal experiences, to work challenges, and the intersections in between Kia Labeija (USA), Teresia Otieno Nojoki (Kenya), Darien Taylor (Canada) and Jessica Whitbread (Canada) spoke from their hearts, talking with the audience about the lived reality for women living with HIV. A common thread among the woman was isolation and having to balance multiple identities and responsibilities while also caring for themselves.

Thanks to videographer and photographer Christopher Conry, Visual AIDS is able to present a recording of the event: TEA TIME on You Tube.

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Jessica Whitbread

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Kia LaBeija

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Frederick Weston