Petition by Free Tarek and John Coalition
Tarek Loubani, a Canadian emergency physician and John Greyson, a Canadian filmmaker and professor have been arrested by Egyptian authorities. Their families had heard nothing since their arrest. We must pressure our government to demand their freedom. Here's how you can help:
1. Please sign the petition at
2. In Canada, please phone and email your MP by searching your postal code here.
3. If you're on Twitter, please use the hashtag #FreeTarekandJohn and tweet your elected officials.
4. Join this Facebook group for updates on their whereabouts and how you can help.
5. For media inquiries, please contact Justin Podur at justin@podur.orgRelevant contacts:
In Canada:
Egyptian Consulate General, Montreal, Canada: +1-514-8668455; +1-514-8668456; +1-514-8668457;
Egyptian Embassy, Ottawa, Canada: +1-613-234-4931, +1-613-234-4935
John Baird – Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada, 613-990-7720,
@honjohnbaird Department of Foreign Affairs Canada: @DFATDCanada
Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada; Phone: 613-992-4211; Email:
In the US:
Egyptian Embassy in the US:
Related press: