All of us at Visual AIDS were saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Cullum on January 18th from heart failure. Bill was one of the first 10 artists to join The Archive Project when it was created by Frank Moore and David Hirsh in 1994, and was featured in the exhibition The First 10, held at PS122 Gallery in 1995. Bill created an activist broadsheet for Visual AIDS in 1995, and remained a part of the the Visual AIDS community through the years. Most recently, he worked closely with us on the hardcover monograph about artist Hugh Steers, whom he had known. For his biographic statement on his page of the Visual AIDS online artist registry, Bill said simply, "I was diagnosed with HIV in 1985. Most of my friends died. I don't know why I didn't." Bill was an incredibly talented artist, and a selection of his work can be viewed in the online artist registry here.