Past Event
An exhibition of 500+ handmade paper valentines
On view on the 2nd Floor of MoMA PS1
Thursday Feb 2, 2023 - Sunday Feb 5, 2023
(12–6PM, open until 8PM on Saturday)
Reception: Saturday Feb 4, 4–6PM
In February 2023, Visual AIDS proudly partnered with ongoing collaborator MoMA PS1 for our annual project LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN along with Dieu Donné, Fire Island Artist Residency (FIAR), Positive Women’s Network, and the Well Project. The project features hundreds of heartfelt Valentine cards on handmade paper created by an intersecting group of artists, activists, and HIV-positive women.
LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an international series of events that uses Valentine’s Day as a backdrop, creating a platform for individuals and communities to engage in public and private acts of love and caring for women living with HIV. LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an ongoing project established by Visual AIDS artist member Jessica Whitbread in 2013.
After the activation, the Valentines were mailed around the world to HIV-positive women in time for Valentine’s Day. Women living with HIV often experience isolation and stigma and face specific challenges around relationships, motherhood, and healthcare. Since 2015, the project has distributed over 3,500 cards in order to fight stigma, create community, and empower women living with HIV.
MoMA PS1 is always free for New Yorkers.
Are you a woman or femme living with HIV who would like to receive a handmade valentine's card? Click here for more information.
This program is a collaboration between Visual AIDS, the Fire Island Artist Residency, Dieu Donné, Positive Women's Network — USA, and The Well Project. We thank MoMA PS1 for hosting this activation as part of an ongoing partnership between Visual AIDS and the museum.
LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an international series of events that uses Valentines Day as a backdrop, creating a platform for individuals and communities to engage in public and private acts of love and caring for women living with HIV. Working from a place of strength, LPW focuses on the idea of interconnectedness, relationship building, loving oneself and loving ones community. LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an ongoing project established by Visual AIDS artist member Jessica Whitbread in 2013.
LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is funded in part by a generous three year grant from ViiV Healthcare, with additional funding from DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS.

These valentines were made with handmade paper created by Dieu Donné and decorated by Audrey Abernathy, David Archuletta, Shanice Bailey, Erin Baskin, Nayland W Blake, Eliana Blechman, Chris Bogia, Travis Boyer, Margot Bridges, Mitsuko Brooks, Rachel Browning, Ali Burke, Candystore, Curtis Carman, Nancy Chong, The Churchill School and Center, Liz Collins, Jenna R Conley, Donovan Cousan, Peter Cramer, Anthony Cudahy, Kim Cullen, TM Davy, Patrick De Castro, Rose McElhatton Donahue, Connie Dukes, Hannah Emerson, Mark Joshua Epstein, William Eugene, Kailee Faber, Veronica Falborn, Megan Falkenhan, Nick Fernandez, Alex Fialho, Fremont Blue Events, Robin Gaitens, Rosy Galvan, Cassidy Gardner, Stephen Gemberling, Tatiana Ginsberg, Marissa Gonzalez, Monique Gordon, Allison Gould, Candace Greene, Jonah Groeneboer, Carlos Guttierez-Solana, Gordon Hall and Octavius Neveaux, John Hanning, J and Sage Hartz, Chloe Hayward, Eric Hibit, Nicole Holmes, Dean Husted, Perry A, Amy Jacobs, Ev Jensen, Farah Jeune, Hannah Katz, Elektra KB, Doriot Kim, Rebecca Klassen, Hein Koh, Amelia Korangy, Wayne Kostenbaum, Bithiah Lafontant, Ivy Lehner, Lauraberth Lima, Chayanne Marcano, Danielle Marshall, Krista Martel, David Martin, Lee Maxey, Dennis McConkey, Sarah Mcerlean, Esther McGowan, Marc Meachem, Mx. Cleo Mizrahi , Milanes Morejon, Jennifer Morton, Darin Murphy, Karen Murphy, Dominic Nurre, Anela Oh, Blake Paskal, Gilda Pervin, Bridgette Picou, Jeanette Rodriguez Pineda, Lina Puerta, Hans Rasch, Sharmistha Ray, Eric Rhein, LJ Roberts, Sara Maria Salamone, jess saldaña, Hope Sandrow, Hannah Seiden, Ethan Shoshan, Jules Rochielle Sievert, Kim Spencer, Carol Stakenas, Steed Taylor, Marguerite Van Cook, Jonathan VanDyke, Chris Vargas, Jack Waters, and members of the Visual AIDS Women’s Empowerment Art Therapy Group.