Speculative Non-Fiction HERIDAS IN-VIH-SIBLES IN-VIH-SIBLE WOUNDS Love Positive Women: The Alchemy of HIV Blesséd Are Those Who Remember: A Call to Cry, Feel and Mourn The Melody of the Flesh ACTIVISM AND THE ARCHIVE VOICE = SURVIVAL EXPANDED BLUR Love Positive Women Instant Intimacies Borders/Crossings Personal, Jesus Living Better Queer New World The Male Portrait Anti-Bodies The Damaged Narcissist Pyrolysis Transitional Space: An Exploration of Adolescent Identity and Homelessness Beyond Boundaries Picturing Identity Fugitive, or From here to there and back again Inescapable Hope Webshow Untitled
Collage, Painting, Performance, Photography, Video / Film
Conceptual, Environmental, Figurative, HIV & AIDS Related, Portraiture, Spiritual