Play Smart VII highlights artists in the ballroom community. Featuring original artwork by Milton Garcia Ninja, Alvaro, Tytus Larue James Gibson-Jackson, Tanaj Nicholas, and Rossi Dobbins, these cards contain information on PrEP and PEP, undetectability, mental health, homelessness, and HIV stigma. Each kit is packaged with internal and external condoms and lubricant.

We are grateful to The New York Community Trust's DIFFA Fund for supporting this project.

Bulk orders of 100-200 packets are available for the cost of shipping and handling - contact kcroft@visualaids.org to place an order.

Play Smart trading cards are an honest and straightforward approach to promote harm reduction, HIV testing, pre and post exposure prophylaxis and raise awareness around HIV/AIDS. Play Smart features fun, sexy and creative trading cards, packaged with condoms and lube. The back of each trading card features information to help you play smart.

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Milton Garcia Ninja