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Exhibitions can be understood as finite experiences in which people can go into a space and view a curated show. Exhibitions can also be understood as something ongoing, a catalyst for a longer investigation, a shift in how one sees the world.

This is the last weekend of Ephemera As Evidence, curated by Ricardo Montez and Joshua Lubin-Levy, at La MaMa Galleria, closing on Sunday night with a performance by Jack Waters, Peter Cramer, and Carmelita Tropicana. But the exhibition lives on, not only through the ongoing influence of the show on those who were apart of it and saw it, but also through these online projects.

Kiki & Herb Fan Archive
Shane Vogel, who lent ephemera to the exhibition, shares audio files, scanned articles, and images on this tumblr dedicated the work of Kiki & Herb (Justin Vivian Bond and Kenny Mellman).
Check it out:

Evita Like Coffin
In working with artist James Wentzy for the exhibition Guy Greenburg spent a lot of time with Wentzy and his archive. Below he describes a tumblr he created and where the idea came from.
I put together this brief tumblr describing a single work of James Wentzy which he calls the "Evita-like Coffin." The page is a tribute to a tribute of sorts–that I designed as a "study guide" for Ricardo's class and the Ephemera show. I am interested in how he offers a counterpoint to Munoz. As an archivist and homesteader James saves so much of his world and resists ephemera as a description, at least sometimes.
View it at:

Splattered Mementos
Azizi Curtis and Sade Swift created a short video in conjunction with the exhibition featuring a poem they wrote after being inspired by artists Peter Cramer and Jack Waters. They write about it below:
When Azizi Curtis and Sade Swift met Jack and Peter they were welcomed by their vibrant energy and enthusiastic spirit for their art and activism. Their willingness to share their lives and unravel this timeline of how is has progressed sparked a fire within Azizi and Sade. Jack seemed mesmerized by the events that occurred within his life with Peter and reminisced on his past through photos and writing. Peter enjoyed analyzing these experiences and traced them through the photos and videos that he had taken. Jack is very front lines, while Peter is more behind the scenes and that’s what makes their collaboration and work so dynamic and unique.Through this video Azizi and Sade are trying to represent the lives of these two artist. The poem is a reflection of the love that Jack has for writing, as well as a timeline of Jack and Peter’s life living with HIV/AIDS in New York City. The burning to the poem represents their sense of living in the now and allowing their past to be the past, but using it as a way to shape their future. Their past does not hold them back, rather propelled them forward.
Watch the video: Splattered Mementos

Ephemera As Evidence catalog
The 101 page catalogue, complete with 24 pages of color photographs of work from the exhibition, and 10 essays, can viewed online and/or picked up at La MaMa Galleria (6 East 1st Street) until June 29, 2014 when the exhibition closes.
View it at