Shan Kelley (b.1977) Was raised amidst the prairie backdrop of Alberta, Canada. He can sometimes be found living in Montréal.
I’m a visual artist who melds autobiography, documentary research, writing, painting, and photography to construct uncanny visual works across a range of different mediums. This interdisciplinary practice has roots in my involvement within social justice movements, and lived experience as a queer identifed, HIV+
father. My projects constitute an autoethnographic study of AIDS and queer sexuality as they explore the
nuance of personal narratives, and the relationships between larger social, political, and historical contexts.
Wordplay and text have been foundational in my approach to creating work with themes that are most often
only implicit, and opaque enough to encourage room for different readings. I’m inspired to scrutinize and question the manner in which relationships to self,
intimacy, identity, mortality, health, and body, are deconstructed, created, and curated using objects, activities, and behaviours
that speak to the everyday.